
From sona pona, the Toki Pona wiki
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Caution: The subject of this article is just for fun. It might not be meant or appropriate for serious use.
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There are various forms of humor and jokes specific to Toki Pona communities.

Wordplay[edit | edit source]

Toki Pona's lexicon naturally allows for the creation of unique puns and spoonerisms. For example, the word kalama is a near-homophone of the phrase kala ma, aside from stress. Jokes of this sort may be untranslatable.

Proposed extensions to Toki Pona[edit | edit source]

Many Tokiponists create joke words, grammatical features, styles of speech, number systems, and the like. Typically, the joke is that the extension being proposed conflicts with Toki Pona's design or philosophy, or is impractical in itself. However, some of these words have caught on and seen serious use, regardless of their jocular intent.

Words for humor[edit | edit source]

Caution: The subject of this section is an experimental or hypothetical style that is not understood by most speakers, or is used only in specific small communities. Learners should avoid using it.

Words relating to laughter itself have been proposed, namely kuntu and lijokuku. In kulupu pi toki pona lon ilo QQ, the word kasi has a secondary use to refer to laughter and humor.

Inside jokes[edit | edit source]

Inside jokes include references to original Toki Pona music, lessons, and comics; common beginner mistakes and misconceptions; the "New radio shows?" thread; kijetesantakalu tonsi li lanpan ala lanpan e soko?; meli pi telo nasa; errors in videos by non-Tokiponists, such as "Toki Pona: The Language You Can Learn in a Day"; and YouTube Poop, such as ilo pi nanpa.

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