This is a list of media coverage from outside the Toki Pona community.

News coverage edit

In other languages edit

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Arabic edit

French edit

  • 20 Minuten another link 2007, Le toki pona est la nouvelle langue à la mode sur le net [in French]
  • Unidivers 2017
  • Ulyces Peut-on tout dire avec la langue la plus concise du monde? [Can we say everything in the most concise language in the world? Translated from The Atlantic (2015) above]
  • L'Obs [reprinted from Ulyces above]

German edit

Hungarian edit

Polish edit

  • Uczmysiejezykow
  • 2019, Tomasz Smoczyk z Leszna mówi 15 językami. Zna nawet język toki pona [ZDJĘCIA] (Tomasz Smoczyk from Leszno speaks 15 languages. He even knows Toki Pona [Photos]. In Polish). Karolina Bodzińska

Portuguese edit

Russian edit

Spanish edit

  • El Confidencial 2020, El idioma de 120 palabras que "te hace feliz", explicado por la única española que lo habla [The 120-word language that "makes you happy", explained by the only Spanish who speaks it]

Interviews with Sonja Lang edit

Podcasts edit

Blogs edit

Notes edit

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Only mentions Toki Pona.