Toki Pona Keyboard

From sona pona, the Toki Pona wiki
Main layout
Intermediate keys after selecting pi (p)

The Toki Pona Keyboard created by Timeo San Pochin is a virtual keyboard app and Toki Pona input method for Android,[1] using standard Android libraries. It resembles Japanese kana-based smartphone input, but still involves typing successive keys rather than flicking.

Although the keyboard has sitelen pona keycaps, it inserts plain-text sitelen Lasina; therefore, sitelen pona only appears when combined with a font that supports ASCII transcription.

Layout[edit | edit source]

The keyboard consists of four rows and seven columns.

  • The leftmost two columns are the eight most used words:
    li e ni a mi toki pona ala
  • The third through sixth columns contain words starting with each letter, sorted alphabetically:
    ale en ike jan kama la ma nimi o pi sina tawa utala wile
  • The other keys include punctuation and formatting options:
    [   . ? ⌫ Backspace ➤ Enter

Usage[edit | edit source]

In order to insert the word on the key cap, the key should be tapped twice. For all remaining words, one must tap the first letter (⬛︎ light blue) on this part of the keyboard, and then tap the key for the second letter (⬛︎ cyan), and, if the second letter was ⬛︎ dark cyan, optionally the third letter. The last column lacks any words and consists of the following symbols/actions (⬛︎ dark blue): period, question mark, backspace and new line. To type a dash between two words, the first word must be dragged towards the second one. This functionality exists to type scales compound glyphs in fonts such as linja pona. Additionally, non-pu words are highlighted in an ⬛︎ orange background.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Timeo Sam Pochin [timeopochin]. (30 May 2020). "Toki Pona Keyboard". GitHub. Retrieved 31 January 2024.