User:物灵/nasin sitelen kalama ike

From sona pona, the Toki Pona wiki

Caution: The subject of this article is an experimental or hypothetical style that is not understood by most speakers, or is used only in specific small communities. Learners should avoid using it.

nasin sitelen kalama ike is a drastic extension to nasin sitelen kalama and its derivation by jan Sonja. It is designed to denote phonemes outside Toki Pona phonology compatible to most spoken languages in sitelen pona.

Compared to nasin sitelen kalama,

  • Without signs, glyphs are read like its first syllable, excluding -n if existing. Use ˌ for original sitelen pona behaviour, and ˈ to drop out one syllable (i.e. read the second syllable).
  • Use sutopatikuna for syllable ti.
  • Use je for palatalisation (yōon), wa1 to change roundness of vowel, kalamARR for rhotic (lijokuku for standalone rhotic), and Pingo for voiced consonant.

Example: [ˌsuli ˈkulupu wa pu wuwojiti wa kin tan Pingo n kasi je kalamARR kin]隰有萇楚 in Old Chinese