User:CosmicPython/gisi gisi

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gisi gisi (meaning "language of expression" or "very communicative") is a tokiponido first created by namako Kolisin in March 2024, but later contributors also developed the language alongside her, such as jan Kali and soweli Noneko. The language was not made with a specific goal in mind, but namako Kolisin wanted to explore toki pona with different semantic spaces and slightly different grammar.



Bilabial Coronal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n ŋ
Plosive p k ʔ
Fricative s
Lateral approximant l

/k/ can freely variate with [t ~ k].


Front Back
High i u
Low æ ɑ

The vowel phonemes are an abstraction of their allowed ranges: /i/ allows for [e ~ ɪ ~ ɨ], /u/ allows [o ~ ʊ], /æ/ allows [a ~ ɛ ~ ə], and /ɑ/ allows [ɔ].


The grammar of gisi gisi is similar to that of toki pona, but with some notable differences. Unlike toki pona, which utilizes an SVO word order, gisi gisi employs an SOV order instead.

ʻuge ʻi ʻalapa si namunen

I write on the glass.

ʻuge is the unmarked subject, ʻalapa is the object, marked with ʻi, and namunen is the verb, marked with si.

To ask questions, the word order will change, bringing the topic of the question to the start, and preceding the entire sentence with g.

g si paka pes kemu ʻi kales ʻuge

Did you move my vase?

Purpose and usage of ka

ka functions similarly to lo, where it can denote where a indirect object preposition starts. To form a preposition, ka needs exactly one content word after it; this content word describes the relationship the indirect object has to either the sentence or the predicate it succeeds.

sigkaʻi ka sesli keles silen si mukaski

The mold on the carrot is dark.

ʻaʻe ʻi sagke si kipa ka lasʻe kemu

He got rid of the blood because of you.

ka ka is a special construction that functions identically to la.

kemu si paka ka ka ʻuge si paka

When you go, I go.


The lexicon of gisi gisi originally started with the premise of making different semantic spaces than those found in toki pona, but over time developed a secondary goal of focusing on nature.

gisi Semantic space After ka Etymology Coiner
ʻaʻe third-person pronoun, ignores animacy illegal Guaraní ha'e "they/he/she/it" namako Kolisin
ʻalapa glass, ice, ghost, transparent, unseen yet present/felt TBD Forest Nenets халапа "ice" namako Kolisin
ʻi direct object particle illegal Māori i "(accusative particle)" namako Kolisin
ʻuge first-person pronoun illegal Greenlandic uanga "(accusative particle)" namako Kolisin
g question (empathic) particle: huh? hm? what? illegal a priori namako Kolisin
gisi communication, speech, language, word, name, body language, gesture, inner monologue, expression, meaning, definition vocative Tagalog ngisi "grin" namako Kolisin
ka indirect object particle, used to form prepositions follows a context phrase Irish do "to, for" namako Kolisin
kales earth, clay, orange, dry, ceramics, red, yellow, powder, sand, arid, pottery, earthenware TBD Hebrew חרס "pottery, earthenware" soweli Noneko
kanesu moon, above, sky, celestial object, month, divine, sacred above Spanish conejo "rabbit" soweli Noneko
ke board game with pieces and/or tokens i.e. similar to chess, go, Monopoly, checkers, shogi, etc. TBD Vietnamese cờ "board game with pieces, flag, banner" namako Kolisin
keles root, tuber, lower part, down, foundation of a building under, below Indonesian/Malay talas and Hawaiian kalo "taro" namako Kolisin
kemu second-person pronoun illegal Indonesian/Malay kamu "you" namako Kolisin
kepa pattern, order, series, sequence, organized, decluttered, pattern of behavior after, succeeding, following a priori namako Kolisin
kipa nothing, absence, distance, false, (negative) without, unrelated to Greek τίποτα "nothing" namako Kolisin
kusi tool, instrument, machine, proxy, to use, useful, robot, use of something to achieve a goal easier than you could have by yourself using, with (instrumental) Armenian գործիք "tool, instrument" namako Kolisin
lasʻe egg, seed, zygote, origin, cause, reason, beginning, start from, because Basque arrautza "egg" namako Kolisin
m affirmative empathic particle: mhm! ah! oh! yeah! illegal a priori namako Kolisin
magi faded, faint, weak, closed, muted, inactive, static, off TBD Malayalam മങ്ങി "faded" jan Kali
menu human, person, sapient, anthropomorphic, manmade TBD Thai มนุษย์ "human being" namako Kolisin
mukaski night, purple, black, blue, darkness, cyan, green TBD Japanese "purple" jan Kali
n contemplative empathic particle: umm, err, hmm illegal toki pona n "umm" namako Kolisin
namunen scratch, writing, drawing, slight deformation or imperfection, mark, dimple, small bump, blemish, stain, wabi TBD Finnish naarmuinen "scratchy surface" namako Kolisin
nesku unspecified thing, object, example, something, anything, sample TBD Bulgarian не́що "thing, object" namako Kolisin
paka wind, flow, motion, speed, air, gas, action (moving) towards Avestan vāta "wind" namako Kolisin
pes subject particle (unmarked at start of a sentence) illegal various Turkic languages баш "head, boss" namako Kolisin
pukis cold-blooded animal, fish, reptile, amphibian TBD Latvian pūķis "dragon, household protective spirit" jan Kali
s negative empathic particle: sigh, oof, ugh, damn illegal a priori namako Kolisin
sagke blood, life force, animation, animating force, vitality TBD Spanish sangre "blood" soweli Noneko
sesli location, shelter, place, house, dwelling, domestic structure in, at Georgian სახლი "home, house, dwelling" namako Kolisin
si verb particle illegal Esperanto iĝi "to become" namako Kolisin
sigkaʻi moss, mold, growth, expansion, addition, microbe, bryophyte, slime mold, liverwort TBD Cantonese 蘚苔 "moss" namako Kolisin
silen stem, path, xylem, slender, tunnel, vein, road, cable through, on German Xylem "xylem" soweli Noneko
sili fermented, pickled, decomposed, matured, change as a result of aging, old TBD Glosbe toki pona dictionary tili "cheese" jan Kali

Writing systems

namunen Lakina

namunen Lakina is a romanization system for gisi gisi created by namako Kolisin, designed to be ISO compatible. Most glyphs try to line up with their IPA equivalents, but /ŋ ʔ ɑ æ/ are written instead as ⟨g ʻ a e⟩, respectively.