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{| class="wikitable sortable"
|+ Visual aids
! image !! words !! description !! author
! colspan=4 |Describing the world around you:
| [ objects] Examples of what some words could mean in a physical context|| linja, lipu, palisa, supa, sinpin ||A bendy line, captioned "linja" and "long and flexible"; a sheet, captioned "lipu" and "flat"; a straight line, captioned "palisa" and "long and hard"; an even rectangular shape facing downwards, captioned "supa" and "horizontal surface"; an even rectangular shape facing forewards, captioned "sinpin" and "frontal-facing"||jan Sa, with edits by tonsi Koko
| [[File:BodyTokiPona.jpg|thumb|bodyparts]]|| lawa, linja, nena, uta, oko, kute, luka, insa, noka||Cut-out of a young person in pyjamas with captions for different body parts||Immanuel Giel
| [ states] || telo, kon, ko, kiwen||4 panels: a waterdrop making ripples on a water surface, milk being transvased into a glass, a glass of apple juice next to an apple, captioned "telo" in Latin and sitelen pona; smoke and clouds in the sky, captioned "kon" in Latin and sitelen pona; a hand holding sand, soil, ketchup, honey, captioned "ko" in Latin and sitelen pona; pebbles, metal rods, truncated wood, captioned "kiwen" in Latin and sitelen pona||lon Mona
|[ soweliimg] || waso, pipi, soweli, kala, akesi, jan, kijetesantakalu||Minimalist drawing of a bird (captioned "waso" in Latin and sitelen pona), a winged insect (captioned "pipi" in Latin and sitelen pona), a four-legged mammal(captioned "soweli" in Latin and sitelen pona), a fish (captioned "kala" in Latin and sitelen pona), a lizard (captioned "akesi" in Latin and sitelen pona), a stick figure (captioned "jan" in Latin and sitelen pona), a raccoon's face (captioned "kijetesantakalu" in Latin and sitelen pona) ||lon Mona
|[]|| waso, soweli, pipi, kiwen, kasi, akesi, ma, kijetesantakalu, kala, telo|| ||jan Tekinowi
! colspan=4 |For you and for me:
| pronouns: [ mi], [ sina], [ ona] || mi, sina, ona||mi: a person pointing to themselves; sina: a person pointing away from themselves to the viewer; ona: a person pointing away from themselves to another person||Cuymacu
|[ misinaonani]||mi, sina, ni, ona
|[ ni] (video)||ni|| ||kije motan
|kilini: [ kili], [ kili ni]||kili ni|| ||Cuymacu
|[ sowelini]||soweli seme li soweli sina? - ni|| ||Cuymacu
|[ niimg]||ni|| ||lon Mona
|[ nivid]||ni|| ||kije motan
!colspan=4 |Actions:
|[ janlipakala]||jan li pakala|| ||Cuymacu
|[ onalimoku]||mi moku|| ||Cuymacu
|[ mikama] (video)||kama|| ||Cuymacu
!colspan=4 | Time:
|tenpoimage: [ tenpo], [ tenpo suno/tenpo pimeja]||tenpo, tenpo suno, tenpo pimeja|| ||Cuymacu
|[ tenpoimg]||tenpo pini, tenpo ni/lon, tenpo kama|| ||jan Alise
|[ tenpola]||tenpo pini la mi moku. tenpo ni la mi toki lon ilo sona. tenpo kama la mi lape.|| ||jan Alise
!colspan=4 | Directions:
|[ poka]||poka, sinpin, anpa, monsi, sewi, insa|| ||[ Alejandro Rojo]
|[ pokaimg]||lon, monsi, insa, sinpin, anpa, poka, sewi, selo|| ||lon Mona
|[ nokaanpa] (Pretend this is a cube, viewed slightly from below)||noka, anpa|| ||jan Ke Tami
|[ color] - averaged results of jan Isite's poll on the left (pimeja and walo added on the right just to be complete, but are not based on polls)||jelo, laso, loje, pimeja, walo|| ||jan Isite
|[ kuleimg]||kule, loje, laso, jelo, pimeja, walo|| ||lon Mona
|[ kuleimage]||kule, loje, pimeja, jelo, walo, laso|| ||Cuymacu
|[ mix]||kili loje laso, kili pi loje laso|| ||from [] and []
|[ kulepi]||len loje jelo, len pi loje jelo|| ||akesi Radon
|[ osonaekule]||walo, loje, jelo, laso, pimeja|| ||jan Lolenisen
! colspan=4|Quantities:
|[ nanpaimg]||wan, tu, mute, luka, ale, ala|| ||lon Mona
!colspan=4 | /saʊndz/
|[ syllables]||-
|[ tpsyllables]||-
|[ tpipa]||-|| ||moli Momo, on the basis of [ u/cai_lw's chart]

!colspan=4 | Grammar
|colspan=4 align=center|'''Particles'''
|[ particle]||en, li, e|| ||lon Mona
|colspan=4 align=center|'''''pi'''''
|[ piimage]||Let's say you have an important blue rock.
<blockquote>'''kiwen''' ''laso suli''</blockquote>
As you can see, "laso" and "suli" both describe "kiwen"

They are <u>'''modifiers'''</u>.

So, now we want to describe the blue as important. But how do you modify a modifier?
<blockquote>kiwen pi '''laso''' ''suli''</blockquote>
"pi" has effectively created a new modifier!

So the meaning has changed. This is no longer an important blue rock, but a rock of an important shade of blue.
|| ||Heav
|piexampleimg: [ ilo kalama suli], [ ilo pi kalama suli]||ilo kalama suli, ilo pi kalama suli|| ||Cuymacu
|[ piimg]||telo soweli suli, telo pi soweli suli|| ||Cuymacu
|[ imgpi]||ijo laso pona, ijo pi laso pona|| ||Heav
|[ kulepi]||len loje jelo, len pi loje jelo|| ||akesi Radon
|colspan=4 align=center|'''Preverbs'''
|[ kamaimg]||kasi li lili. kasi li kama suli. kasi li suli.|| ||jan Apeto
| [ mikamatomo]|| ||
|colspan=4 align=center|'''Prepositions'''
|[ tawae]||mi tawa tomo. mi tawa e tomo|| ||kala Asi
|[ lone]||mi tawa tomo. mi tawa e tomo. mi tawa lon tomo. mi tomo tawa. mi lon tomo tawa. mi lon tomo. mi tomo. mi lon e tomo. mi lon. mi tawa. || ||original by kala Asi, edited by jan Sensin, jan Umeja, nimi "lon ala weka nimi"
|[ kepekene]||mi kepeken ilo, mi kepeken e ilo|| ||alasa Li
|[ prepimg]||lon, tawa, tan, kepeken|| ||lon Mona
|[ 5preps]||sina lon ni. sina tan tomo open. sina tawa tomo pini. sina kepeken noka sina. sitelen ni li sama sina|| ||loje Posi
|[[File:Toki pona sitelen pona.png|thumb|sitelenpona]]||(all pu words)|| ||jan Sonja
|ss, sitelen sitelen: [ letters], [[File:Sitelen nimi ale (more square).png|thumb|word glyphs]] [[File:Kalama lili ale.png|thumb|syllables]]||(all pu words)|| ||Jonathan Gabel
|realword: [ usage of all words vertically], [ usage dropoff 1], [ usage dropoff 2]||(all Linku words?)|| ||kala Asi
|[ nimiloje] (nimi loje en nimi laso)||(multiple words)|| ||kala Asi
|[ aei]||akesi, Elena, ilo, jan, kala, luka, mani, nena, oko, pipi, suno, tomo, uta, waso|| ||u/Qam-al-Usu
|[[File:Pronunciation toki pona.jpg|thumb]]||akesi, Elena, ilo, jan, kala, luka, mani, nena, oko, pipi, suno, tomo, uta, waso|| ||jan Nikita (Nikita Ayzikovsky)
|[[File:Toki pona Alphabet.jpg|thumb]]||akesi, esun, ilo, jan, kala, luka, mani, nena, oko, pipi, suno, tomo, uta, waso|| ||jan Alonola
|[[File:AEI Chart.png|thumb]]||akesi, esun, ilo, jan, kala, luka, mani, nena, oko, pipi, suno, tomo, uta, waso|| ||Raxicorico
|[ charting of words]|| ||Coda_Phi


Revision as of 22:27, 11 February 2023

