en: Difference between revisions

362 bytes added ,  1 year ago
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(marking ma pona quotes)
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Line 26:
len loje jelo = red and yellow shirt (you might want to specify that the colors do not combine by saying this as a complete sentence, though)
== External resources ==
* [[pu]] Lesson 16
* [https://lipu-sona.pona.la/5.html jan Lentan Lesson 5]
* [https://sowelitesa.kittycat.homes/lipu-sona/19 soweli Tesa Lesson 19]
* [https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jan-Lope/Toki_Pona_lessons_English/gh-pages/toki-pona-lessons_en/index.html#3605 jan Lope The Conjunction en Connects]