
From sona pona, the Toki Pona wiki
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A lipogram is a piece of constrained writing that avoids using a certain letter. The idea of a Toki Pona lipogram is a curiosity[1] due to the language's small alphabet and vocabulary. Most choices of letters would restrict dozens of otherwise ubiquitous words, with grammatical particles, pronouns, and the like bearing particularly heavy implications.

For example, avoiding the letter i removes mi, sina, and li. Without using experimental particles, this alone bans all realis full sentences by leaving only o to introduce the predicate. It also removes the first person, while the second person may only be implied as the dropped subject of a command. Without ni as well, there is limited ability to connect sentences and specify the established and definite. pi must be avoided, and so on.

List[edit | edit source]

Lipogram Author Avoids

mi ken toki sama ni
mi ken weka e nimi ni
o kute:

mi toki tan tenpo wan. mi toki e pona e ike. mi toki e suno e mun.

mi nena ma. mi oko e open suno. mi pona tan suno wawa.

sina kasi mi. mi anpa sina. mi ma sina. mi pona e sina. mi awen e sina. taso, sina ken wawa tan suno taso. sina pona mute tan kama ona.

taso, mi kama oko e mun, e weka suno. ike.. sina ken wawa tan mun anu seme? sina ken wawa ike taso tan mun, tawa sona mi.

kama mun. sina kasi. sina o wawa. sina ken wawa ike taso. sina weka. mi kama nena taso. mi kama kiwen taso. ike.

taso, mi sona e ike e pona. mi ike tan weka sina. taso, mi pona tan kama sina pi tenpo ante. mi o oko sin e sina kasi.


ale sa l

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

English Wikipedia has an article on
  1. jan Asu [u/Portable_Kiwi433]. (6 July 2024). "Lipograms in Toki Pona". r/tokipona. Reddit. Retrieved 28 July 2024.
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