Image distribution for sitelen pona
(Redirected from sitelen pona image distribution)
Several online websites and Discord servers offer images for sitelen pona glyphs in order to quickly use them wherever needed.
Repositories[edit | edit source]
- ijo Linku offers PNG and SVG versions of the font sitelen seli kiwen
- sitelen pona handwritten SVG samples offers PNG and SVG versions of anonymously submitted drawings of a website canvas
Discord servers[edit | edit source]
Several Discord servers have been created to offer custom sitelen pona emoji to Discord Nitro subscribers. Chatting in these servers is normally disallowed; rather, members with Nitro can use the servers' emoji everywhere else on Discord.
- linja pi pu lukin, based on the font linja pi pu lukin
- sitelen mute, based on the font linja sike
- kulupu pi sitelen kule, based on the font linja pimeja
- sitelen pona kulupu sewi, uses handmade drawings
- sitelen pona pi nasin nanpa, based on the font nasin nanpa
- sitelen lon leko, based on the font nasin nanpa and the Twemoji regional indicator symbol designs used on Discord
- Smols Emotes: Toki pona
- ma pi sitelen pona