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Many Toki Pona words can be used to express the process of creation.

mi pali e ijo 

mi pali e ijo.

I make something.

I work on something.

mi lon e ijo 

mi lon e ijo.

I cause something to exist.

(Contrast mi lon ijo, "I am at something". The e ends the potential prepositional phrase of lon, and introduces the next phrase as a direct object instead. mi lon e ijo is equivalent to mi ni: ijo li lon; "I did this: Something exists".)

mi mama e ijo 

mi mama e ijo.

I raise something (as a parent, literally or figuratively).

mi kama e ijo 

mi kama e ijo.

I summon something (into existence, depending on context).

(Contrast mi kama ijo, "I become something". The e prevents kama from acting as a preverb, and introduces the next phrase as a direct object instead. mi kama e ijo is equivalent to mi ni: ijo li kama; "I did this: Something comes".)

mi ijo e ijo 

mi ijo e ijo.

I cause something to be a thing.

The words pali, and sometimes kili, are often used to refer to the thing created.