
From sona pona, the Toki Pona wiki
Revision as of 16:24, 16 January 2023 by Gregdan3 (talk | contribs) (nicer table with more useful info)

Analogue games

Here are games in toki pona that can be played in person:

Name Medium Players Source Author
musi Ako words 1+ - ?
musi jaki pen, paper 1+ - ?
musi nasin linja pen, paper 2 lipu tenpo nanpa pan (p.12) jan Ke Tami
o tawa! TTRPG 2-4 zine jan Lala Peka Tane, kulupu musi Ke Kisan
pana kulupu collaborative boardgame 2 [1] jan Pitaki
lipu musi pona card game 2 [2] Bruno Bord
musi pi pipi linja pen, paper 2+ musi pi pipi linja (p.11) jan Ke Tami
linja nimi crosswords 1 Crosswordlabs, PDF jan Sa
[3] jan Iseja
musi Soweli boardgame 2 [4] jan Iseja
musi Pipi cooperative boardgame 1-4 [5] jan Pate
musi pi utala nimi words 1+ [6] jan Pate
musi Wan card game 2+ [7] translated by jan Iseja
o alasa e kala card game 2+ [8] translated by jan Alisu
o luka e kijetesantakalu card game 2+ [9] translated by jan Iseja

Video games

Here are some games in toki pona that can be played on a numeral device:

toki pona originals

Name Description Author
soweli li mi game reminiscent of "Baba is you" formicant
Treize platformer Katie And (kulupu &)
musi Soweli Mu cute game where you are a soweli waso Talu
Blanks Detective logic puzzles Daniel Cohen
soko pixel shooter soweli nata
Coming Home (The Toki Ponist on the Mountain) click-and-point Olaf T.A. Janssen
nasin sona musi toki pona vocabulary learning game James Moulang
o lukin e ko jaki
kasi Panto
supa lape mi li ike interactive story
kama sona e sitelen pona sitelen pona learning game
jan mun
kiwen kon
tomo lili pimeja
Late for School
Tabletop Simulator version of musi Soweli
SSL Unown custom Rivals of Aether character
SSL Toki Pona custom Rivals of Aether character
Toki Pona. Meet new worlds vocabulary learning game Paula Kamińska


Name Description Author Script Complete
toki pona boggle Yes
partial Cards Against Humanity translation jan Ke Tami No
Spelunky 2 translation mod Yes
Celeste translation mod waso mu Yes
Scrabble Yes
TUNIC translation mod u/GnomeDePlume No

Minecraft (Java Edition 1.18) and Lichess have toki pona as one of the official languages