History of the dictionary

From sona pona, the Toki Pona wiki

This page details the history and evolution of the dictionary for Toki Pona over time. It collects the earliest available word lists to show how the "official" vocabulary has changed before the publication of the book Toki Pona: The Language of Good.

2001[edit | edit source]

Word list (August 2001)[edit | edit source]

According to jan Pije's pre-pu website, this wordlist is "the Toki Pona vocabulary as it was first presented online,"[1] presumably refering to 8 August 2001, or else probably not long thereafter.

This word list is 95% complete. Total 118 words so far. A few new minor words may be added later on.[2]

Word Definition
a ah! ha! oh! ooh! aw! (emotion word)
ala no, not, none, negation, zero, un-
ale they, all, everything, anything, complete, whole
akesi non-cute earth animal, reptile, amphibian, etc.
anpa low, bottom, lower, down, under, below, floor
ante different, other, changed, otherwise
awen keep, stay, wait, reside
e (introduces a direct object)
en and
ijo thing, something, stuff, anything
ike bad, evil
iki he, she, it, him, her, his, its
ilo tool, device, machine
insa between, middle, centre, inside, stomach, torso
jaki disgusting, dirty, pollution
jan person, people, human, being, somebody, anybody, one
jelo yellow
jo e to have, contain, possess
kala fish, sea creature
kalama sound, noise, voice
kama to come, become, appear, arrive, happen, succeed, manage, then
kan to be/do/go with, accompany, among
kapa hill, mountain, bump, button
kapesi brown, grey
kasi plant, tree, wood
ken can, is able to, is allowed to, may, probable, is possible, maybe, power
kepeken use, with use of
kili fruit, vegetable
kin also, too, even, indeed
ko paste, substance, powder
kon air, wind, smell, atmosphere, mood, spirit, soul
kule colour
kute e listen, hear
la (between adverb of context and subject)
lape rest, sleep
laso blue, green
lawa head, main, lead, mind, brain, opinion, thought
leko block, square object, cube, stairs
len clothing, cloth
lete cold, uncooked
li (separates any subject except mi and sina from its verb)
lili small, little, a bit, short, few, less, young
linja line, family, rope, thread, string, cord, chain
lipu paper, card, ticket, something flat
lape to sleep, rest
loje red
lon to be (located) in/at/on, be there/present/real/true, exist
luka hand, arm, five, overly complicated number or thing
lukin e to see, perceive, look at, watch, watch out, pay attention, visit
lupa hole, loop, window, door, orifice
ma land, earth, country, outdoor area
mama father, mother, parent
mani money, material wealth, treasure, currency, dollar
meli woman, female, girl, wife
mi I, me, my
mije man, male, guy, husband
moku food, meal
moku e to eat, drink, swallow
moli die, death, kill
monsi back, rear end, behind
mun moon
musi to play, have fun
mute many, several, very, much, quantity, amount, a lot, abundant, numerous, more
nanpa number, -th
nasa crazy, silly, foolish, drunk, strange, stupid, strange, weird
nasin way, manner, custom, road, path
ni this, that
nimi name
noka leg, foot
o O! (vocative or imperative)
oko eye
olin e to love romantically
open e to open, turn on
pakala e to screw up, botch, ruin, break, hurt, injure, damage, accident
pali life, activity, work, deed, doing, project
pali e to do, make, act, work, function, be alive
palisa rod, stick, long or pointy thing
pana e to give, put, send, place, release, emit
pi of
pilin feelings, heart, emotion
pimeja black, dark, darkness, shadows
pini done, past, ready, end, tip, ago
pini e finish, close, end, turn off
pipi bug, insect, spider
po four
poka side, hip, neighbouring, next to
poki container, box, bowl, cup, glass
pona good, nice, positive, correct, OK, cool, thanks!, simple, sound, right
sama same, similar, seem, equal, like, as
seli fire, hot, warm, cooked
selo outside, surface, skin, shell, bark, shape
seme what, which, wh-
sewi high, up, above, top, superior, over, on, elevated, noble, religious, supernatural
sijelo body, physical, state, health
sike circle, round, sphere, ball, cycle, year, group, community, company
sin new, fresh, another, more
sina you
sinpin front, chest, wall
sitelen picture, image, draw, idea
sona knowledge, science, intelligence, understanding, wisdom, know how to
soweli land mammal, animal
suli big, tall, long, important
suno sun, light
supa horizontal surface, table, chair, etc.
suwi sweet, candy, cute
tan from, by, because of, origin, cause
taso but, only
tawa to go to, move, walk, travel, to, in order to, towards, for, until
telo water, liquid, juice, sauce
tenpo time, period, if, when
toki language, talking, speech, communication
tomo house, room, place, building, constructed space
tu two
tuli three
unpa e have sex with
uta mouth
utala fight, hit, strike, war, battle, compete
walo white
wan one, a, unit, element, particle, part, piece
waso bird, flying animal
wawa strong, energy, hard, fierce, intense, sure
weka away
wile e to want, need, wish, have to, must, will

2002[edit | edit source]

English–Toki Pona dictionary (March 2002)[edit | edit source]

This dictionary is still under construction. Eventually, thousands of English words will appear here.
You may also want to cross-check individual meanings in the Toki Pona word list.[3]

English toki pona
a, an (no translation)
a man jan
aardvark soweli (li moku e pipi)
aback:he was taken aback ijo li utala e pilin iki
abacus ilo nanpa
abandon (leave) tawa weka tan; (get rid of) weka e; (give up something begun) kama pini ala e
abandoned (deserted, forsaken) li jo ala e jan; (uninhibited) nasa
abase anpa e
abashed (ill at ease, ashamed) (kan jan) pilin ike; (confused) pilin nasa
abattoir tomo pi moli soweli
abbess jan sewi (meli)
abbey tomo pi nasin sewi
abbot jan sewi
abbreviate lili e
abbreviation wan toki lili
abdicate pana weka e (wawa)
abdomen insa
abduct li kama jo e jan li kepeken e wawa
aberrant nasa
abet pali/toki pona tawa (ijo ike)
abhor:I abhor it iki li ike/jaki mute (tawa mi)
abhorrent jaki mute
abide (stay) awen (kan);
abide by the law pali lon nasin wile pi sike jan
ability ken
abject ike (mute)
ablaze:to be ablaze seli li lon iki
able ken;
able-bodied (sijelo li) wawa
ablution(s) (tomo) telo
abnormal nasa
aboard lon tomo (tawa)
abode tomo
abolish weka e
abominable ike (mute)
abominate:I abominate it iki li ike (mute) (tawa mi)
aboriginal tenpo nanpa wan la iki li lon ma
abortion moli e jan lili lon insa
abound mute
about (pertaining to) pi;
a story about women toki meli; (approximately)
there were about three tuli li ken lon; (in the field, subject of) lon;
let's talk about food o mi toki lon moku; (in circles) lon sike;
what about the dog? kin soweli (li kama ala kama)?
above sewi
abrasion pakala selo
abreast lon poka
abridge lili e
abroad (in another country) lon ma ante; (to another country) tawa ma ante
abrupt tenpo lili ike la iki li kama
abscess telo ike lon lupa sijelo
absence (away) weka; (not there) lon ala
absent-minded (not paying attention) lukin ala; (thinking about something else) lawa li toki lon ante
absentee jan weka
absinthe telo nasa laso
absolute (complete) ale;
an absolute idiot jan nasa suli
absolutely (very) mute
absorb kama jo e (telo)
abstain pali ala;(from drink) moku ala e telo nasa; (from sex) unpa ala
abstract (not concrete) lon lawa taso; (to summarize) lili e toki; (extract) kama jo e ijo tan ijo
absurd nasa
abundant mute
abuse (person) pali ike tawa; (misuse) kepeken ike e; (insult) toki ike tawa jan
abysmal suli; ike mute
abyss lupa suli/pimeja
acacia kasi
academic sona
academy (school) tomo sona; (society) sike sona
acanthus kasi
accelerate (go faster) tenpo lili la iki li pali/tawa mute
accent (pronunciation) kalama; (written mark) wan pi toki sitelen; (stress, emphasis) wawa; suli
accentuate wawa e; suli e; toki wawa lon
accept kama jo pona e
access ken tawa/kepeken/jo
accessory ijo (lili)
accident (mishap) pakala; (chance event) kama
accomodate pana e tomo tawa
accommodation tomo
accompany kan
accomplice jan li pali ike kan jan
accomplish kama pali e
accord (agreement) lawa sama; (give) pana;
of my own accord mi wile
according:according to her iki li toki/pilin e ni:
accordingly (appropriately) nasin pona; (consequently) tan ni
accordion ilo pi kalama pona
accountable wile lawa e
accountant jan pi nanpa mani
accoutrement(s) (equipment) ilo; (clothing) len
accumulate (gather) kama jo e ijo mute; (become gathered) kama mute
accuse toki e ni: jan li pali e ijo ike
ace (cards) lipu nanpa wan; (expert) jan ken
ache pilin ike;(desire) wile mute
achieve kama pali e
achievement pali suli
achromatic jo ala e kule
acid telo pakala
acknowledge (admit, know) (toki) sona e;
he didn't even acknowledge me iki li kin lukin ala e mi;
I acknowledged his letter mi toki e ni: mi kama jo e lipu toki iki; (gift) toki pona tan
acne kapa lili en loje lon lawa
acolyte jan (pali) lili
aconite kasi (pi sijelo ike)
acorn sike lili kasi
acoutsic(al) kalama
acoustics sona/nasin kalama
acquaint:be acquainted with sona e
acquaintance:he's an acquaintance mi sona e iki
acquire kama jo e
acre ma;
he owns many acres iki li jo e ma mute/suli
acreage suli ma
acrid (smell) kon ike; (remark, style) utala
acrimonious pilin ike
acrobat jan ken pi tawa pona
acronym wan toki lili
acropolis tomo mute wawa
across (on the other side) lon poka ante; (to the other side) tawa poka ante
acrylic len
act pali
action pali;(legal, military) utala
activate open e
active pali
activity pali
actor, actress jan pi pali pona
actual lon
actually kin
acupuncture palisa pi sijelo pona
acute (good perception) lukin pona; (intense) wawa; (insight) sona
adapt kama ante pona; ante pona e
add (put more) pana e (ijo sin); (increase in number) mute e; (increase in size) suli e
adder akesi (palisa)
addiction kepeken/moku ike
addition:in addition kin
additional sin
address (location) tomo; (talk to) toki (tawa)
adequate pona;(enough) mute pona
adjacent lon poka
adjective wan toki nasin
adjourn pini e
agree toki lon lawa sama
and en;
a blue and white dress len laso en walo;
you and me sina en mi;
he approached and looked at me iki li kama li lukin e mi;
I eat meat and vegetables mi moku e soweli e kili;
my parents and friends are arriving tomorrow tenpo suno kama la mama mi la jan pona mi li kama
are: see be
as (comparison)
as strong as me wawa sama mi; (while)
as war approaches tenpo la utala li kama; (being)
as a friend, I can help you mi jan pona. mi ken pali pona tawa sina
at (location) lon; (time) tenpo... la;
they came at night tenpo pimeja la ale li kama; (activity)
at work pali, lon tomo pali; (towards) tawa;
angry at you pilin ike tawa sina; (state)
I'm good at languages mi sona pona e toki
be (copulative verb has no equivalent)
I am happy mi pilin pona;
the bird is black waso li pimeja;
the water is fresh telo li sin; (location, time) lon;
she is in the bathroom iki li lon tomo telo;
the feast is tomorrow moku suli li lon tenpo suno kama; (exist, be there) lon; (feel) pilin;
are you OK? sina pilin pona ala pona?;
I am cold mi pilin lete; (progressive verb)
I am eating mi moku; (passive voice)
the cat was fed jan li pana e moku tawa soweli;
your bicycle has been damaged sike tu sina li pakala; (in questions)
is it new? iki li sin ala sin?; (can)
few birds were to be seen jan li ken lukin e waso lili; (cost)
how much is it? iki li sama mani seme?
but taso;
I would like to do it, but I have no money mi wile pali e iki. taso mi jo ala e mani; (contradicting)
that's not blue, but red iki li laso ala. iki li loje; (only)
she is but a child iki li jan lili taso; (except)
no one but him iki taso
by (close to) lon (loka); (using)
by hand kepeken e luka; (passive agent)
he was killed by a bear soweli wawa li moli e iki;
who's it by? jan seme li pali e iki?
bye (said when leaving) mi tawa; (in reply) tawa pona
can (possibility, ability, right) ken; (know how to) sona
can (container) poki
for tawa;
for you tawa sina;
what's this knife for? ilo pakala ni li tawa seme?;
time for dinner tenpo moku; (because of)
for this reason tan ni; (duration)
we've been here for three days tenpo suno tuli la mi mute li lon ni
forever (always) tenpo ale; (a long time) tenpo suli
from tan
had see have
have jo e;(must)
have to wile;
you don't have to work sina wile ala pali; (eat, drink)
they had some juice ale li moku e telo; (questions)
has he arrived? iki li kama ala kama?
he iki;(male also) mije
his iki
hot seli;
I am hot mi pilin seli; (intense) wawa; (spicy) moku wawa; (beautiful) pona lukin
I mi
in (location) lon;
in bed lon supa lape;
in the darkness lon pimeja; (state)
she was in a deep sleep iki li lape wawa; (future time)
I'll do it in two days tenpo suno tu kama la mi pali e iki; (language)
in English lon toki Inli
is: see be
it iki; (impersonal verbs)
it is raining telo li kama
law nasin wile pi sike jan
life (everything around us) ale; (activity) pali; (vitality) wawa
of pi;
house of my sister tomo pi meli sama mi; (often not translated)
the end of the branch pini palisa;
a man of wisdom mije wawa;
Republic of Turkey ma Tuki;
all of my children jan lili mi ale(from, because of) tan;
die of hunger moli tan moku ala
on (location) lon; (about) a lecture on this subject; (take, use) kepeken, moku; (functioning) pali;
one wan;
one carrot kili wan; (indefinite)
one day tenpo suno wan; (sole)
the one and only person jan wan taso; (pronoun)
this one ni;
would you like one? sina wile ala wile jo e iki?;
the blue one ijo laso ni
other ante
some (no translation)
some water telo;
some guy jan; (indefinite also)
some woman meli wan; (part)
do you want some (food)? sina wile ala wile moku e iki?
steep tenpo lili ike la iki li kama
that ni;(conjunction) e ni:
he said that he had seen a woman iki li toki e ni: iki li lukin e meli; (very)
it's that good iki li pona mute
the (no translation)
the animal soweli
they ale;(people in general) jan
this ni;
what's this? ni li seme?
to tawa(infinitive verb)
they want to come ale li wile kama
was: see be
we mi;(plural also) mi mute; (you and I also) sina en mi; (s/he and I also) mi en iki
weaken (become weak) kama wawa ala; (make weak) wawa ala e
were: see be
what (question word) seme;
what am I eating? mi moku e seme?;
what colour is that? ni li kule seme?; (all)
I gave him what money I had mi pana e mani ale mi tawa iki; (exclamations)
what an idiot! iki li nasa!
with (in the company of) kan;
I am with my dog mi jan soweli mi;
I stay with you mi awen kan sina; (by using) kepeken e;
I opened it with my hand mi open e iki. mi kepeken e luka; (having)
a boy with brown eyes mije lili li jo e oko kapesi
word wan toki
you sina;(plural also) sina mute; (one, anyone) jan;
fresh air does you good kon sin li pona (tawa jan)

Word list (June 2002)[edit | edit source]

This word list is 98% complete. Total 120 words. One or two new minor words may be added later on, however the odds are becoming unlikely.[4]

Parts of Speech
abbrev. meaning
n head noun
mod modifier
sep separator
vt verb, transitive (normally used with e)
vi verb, intransitive
interj interjection
prep quasi-preposition
conj conjuncion
cont context word used before la
conj conjuncion
qw question word
oth special, other word
Toki Pona Word List
word POS meaning
a interj ah! ha! oh! ooh! aw! (emotion word)
akesi n reptile, amphibian
ala n nothingness, negation, zero
interj no!
ale n everything, anything, life
mod all, every, complete, whole
anpa n bottom, down, under, below, floor, beneath
mod low, lower, bottom
ante n difference
mod different, other
cont otherwise
vt change, alter, modify
anu conj or
awen vi stay, wait, reside
vt keep
e sep (introduces a direct object)
en conj and
ijo n thing, something, stuff, anything, object
mod physical
vt objectify
ike mod bad, evil, wrong
interj oh dear! woe! alas!
iki (archaic for ona)
ilo n tool, device, machine, thing used for a specific purpose
insa n between, middle, centre, inside, stomach
jaki mod disgusting, dirty, filthy
n pollution, dirt, filth
vt pollute, dirty
interj ew! yuck!
jan n person, people, human, being, somebody, anybody
mod personal, human, somebody's, of people
jelo mod yellow, light green
jo vt have, contain, possess
kala n fish, sea creature
kalama n sound, noise, voice
kama n event, happening, chance
mod coming, future
cont then
vi come, become, appear, arrive, happen, succeed, manage
vt cause, bring about, summon
kan prep with, accompany, among
kasi n plant, tree, wood, herb
ken n possibility, ability, power to do things, permission
vi can, is able to, is allowed to, may, is possible
vt make possible, enable, allow, permit
mod probable, possible
cont maybe, perhaps, possibly
kepeken vt use, with
kili n fruit, vegetable
kin oth also, too, even, indeed
kiwen n rock, stone, metal, mineral, clay
ko n semi-solid substance (paste, powder, gum, etc.)
kon n air, wind, smell, soul
kule n colour
kute vt listen, hear
mod auditory, hearing
kulupu n group, community, society, company
mod communal, shared
la sep (between adverb of context and sentence)
lape n, vi sleep, rest
mod sleeping, of sleep
laso mod blue
lawa n head, mind
mod main, leading, in charge
vt lead, control, rule, steer
leko n block, square object, cube, stairs
len n clothing, cloth, fabric
lete n cold
mod cold, uncooked
vt cool down, chill, freeze
li sep (between any subject except mi and sina and its verb)
lili mod small, little, a bit, short, few, less, young
vt reduce, shorten, shrink, lessen
linja n line, family, rope, thread, string, cord, chain, hair
lipu n paper, card, ticket, something flat
loje mod red
lon prep (locative) in/at/on
vi be there, be present in the now, be real/true, exist, be ready, be awake
luka n hand, arm, element of an overly complicated number or thing
mod five, relating to the hand or arm
lukin vt see, look at, watch, visit
vi look, watch out, pay attention
mod visual, seeing
lupa n hole, orifice, window, door
ma n land, earth, country, outdoor area
mama n parent, mother, father
mod parental, maternal, fatherly
mani n money, material wealth, treasure, currency, dollar
meli n woman, female, girl, wife
mod female, feminine, womanly
mi n I, we
mod my, our
mije n man, male, guy, husband
mod male, masculine, manly
moku n food, meal
vt eat, drink, swallow
moli n death
mod dead, deadly, fatal
vt kill
vi die, be dead
monsi n back, rear end, behind
mod back, rear
mu interj woof! meow! moo! etc. (cute animal noise)
mun n moon
mod lunar
musi n fun, playing, game, recreation, art, entertainment
mod artful, fun, recreational
vi play, have fun
mute mod many, several, very, much, a lot, abundant, numerous, more
n amount, quantity
vt multiply, increase the number of, make copies of, augment, intensify
nanpa n number
oth -th (ordinal numbers)
nasa mod silly, crazy, foolish, drunk, strange, stupid, weird
n silliness, strangeness, insanity, folly, stupidity, drunkenness
nasin n way, manner, custom, road, path, doctrine, system
nena n bump, hill, button
ni mod this, that
nimi n word, name
noka n leg, foot
o sep O (vocative or imperative)
interj hey! (calling somebody's attention)
oko n eye
olin n affectionate love
ona n he, she, it, they
mod his, her, its, their
open vt open, turn on
pakala n blunder, accident, mistake, destruction, damage, breaking
vt screw up, fuck up, botch, ruin, break, hurt, injure, damage, bungle, spoil, ruin, destroy
vi fall apart, break
interj damn! fuck!
pali n activity, work, deed, project
mod active, operating, working, alive
vt do, make, build
vi act, work, function, be alive
palisa n rod, stick, long or pointy thing
pana vt give, put, send, place, release, emit
n giving, transfer
pi sep of
pilin n feelings, emotion, heart
vi feel
vt feel, think, sense
pimeja mod black, dark
n darkness, shadows
vt darken
pini n end, tip
mod finished, past, done, ago
vt finish, close, end, turn off
pipi n bug, insect, spider
poka n side, hip, next to
mod neighbouring
poki n container, box, bowl, cup, glass
pona n good, simplicity, positivity
mod good, simple, positive, nice, correct, right
interj great! good! thanks! OK! cool! yay!
vt improve, fix, repair
sama mod same, similar, equal, of equal status or generation
prep like, as, seem
cont similarly, in the same way that
seli n fire, warmth, heat
mod hot, warm, cooked
vt heat, warm up, cook
selo n outside, surface, skin, shell, bark, shape
seme oth what, which, wh- (question word)
sewi n high, up, above, top, over, on,
mod superior, elevated, noble, religious, supernatural
sijelo n body, physical, state
sike n circle, sphere, ball, cycle
mod round, cyclical
sin mod new, fresh, another, more
vt renew, renovate, freshen
sina n you
mod your
sinpin n front, chest, torso, wall
sitelen n picture, image
vt draw, write
sona n knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, understanding
vt know, understand, know how to
vi know, understand
soweli n land mammal, lovable animal, red meat
suli mod big, tall, long, important
vt enlarge, lengthen, give importance to
suno n sun, light
supa n horizontal surface, table, chair, etc.
suwi n candy
mod sweet, cute
vt sweeten
tan prep from, by, because of, since
n origin, cause
taso mod only, sole
conj but
tawa conj to go to, to, in order to, towards, for, until
n movement, transportation
mod moving, mobile
vi go, leave, walk, travel, move
vt move, displace
telo n water, liquid, juice, sauce
vt wash with water
tenpo n time, period, situation
cont if, when
toki n language, talking, speech, communication
mod talking, verbal
vt say
vi talk, chat
interj hello! hi!
tomo n house, home, room, indoor place, building, constructed space
mod domestic, urban
tu mod two
n duo, pair
unpa n sex, sexuality
mod erotic, sexual
vt have sex with
vi have sex
uta n mouth
mod oral
utala n conflict, competition, fight, war, battle, attack, blow, argument
vt hit, strike, attack, compete against
walo mod white, light
n white thing/part, whiteness
wan mod one, a, indefitine
n unit, element, particle, part, piece
vt unite
waso n bird, flying animal
wawa n energy, strength, power
mod strong, hard, fierce, intense, sure
vt strengthen, energize, empower, harden
weka mod away, absent
n absence
vt remove, get rid of, eliminate
wile vt to want, need, wish, have to, must, will
n desire, need
mod necessary

Word origins (August 2002)[edit | edit source]

A note on etymologies
In most regards, Toki Pona is an a priori language. Its various words describe concepts that are unique to Toki Pona. Just because a word was taken from another language, for example, does not in any way imply that its meaning matches the meaning of word in the source language.
This etymological dictionary was developed for curiosity purposes only. For the actual meanings of Toki Pona words, please consult the official Toki Pona word list.[5]

abbrev. language
CPE Tok Pisin
CY Welsh
EN English
EO Esperanto
FI Finnish
FR-NB Acadian French
HR Croatian
JA Japanese
KA Georgian
LOJ Lojban
NL Dutch
SS Sound symbolism or onomatopeia
TM Trademark
TO Tongan
ZH Chinese (Mandarin), pinyin
ZH-HK Chinese (Cantonese)

word language notes
a SS
akesi NL hagedis
ala KA არა [ara]
ale NL al(le)
anpa FR-NB en bas
ante NL ander
anu KA ?
awen NL houden
e a priori
en NL en
ijo EO io
ike FI ilkeä
iki KA იბი [igi]
ilo EO ilo
insa CPE insait (EN inside)
jaki EN yucky
jan ZH-HK 人 [jan]
jelo EN yellow
jo ZH 有 yǒu
kala FI kala
kalama HR galáma
kama CPE kamap (EN come up)
kan ?
kasi FI kasvi
ken CPE ken EN can
kepeken NL gebruiken
kili KA ხილი [xili]
kin FI -kin
kiwen FI kivi, kiven
ko ZH-HK [kou]
kon ZH 空氣 kōngqì
kule FR-NB couleur
kulupu TO kulupu (EN group)
kute FR-NB (é)couter
la EO la
lape NL slapen
laso CY glas
lawa ?
leko TM Lego
len FR-NB linge
lete FR-NB frette
li EO li
lili CPE liklik
linja FI linja
lipu FI lippu
loje NL rooie
lon CPE long
luka HR rúka
lukin CPE lukim (EN look him)
lupa LOJ clupa
ma FI maa
mama KA მამა [mama]
mani EN money
meli CPE meri (EN Mary)
mi EO mi EN me
mije FI mies
moku JA SS モグモグ [mogu mogu]
moli FR-NB mourir
monsi FR-NB mon chu (cul)
mu SS SS
mun EN moon
musi EO amuzi
mute EO multe
nanpa CPE namba (EN number)
nasa CPE nasau
nasin HR náčin
nena FI nenä
ni ZH-HK [ni]
nimi FI nimi
noka HR nòga
o KA -ო [o] EO ho EN O
oko HR òko
olin HR volim
open CPE open EN open
pakala CPE bagarap (EN bugger up)
pali EO fari
palisa HR pàlica
pana ?
pi CPE bilong
pilin CPE pilim (EN feel him) EN feeling
pimeja FI pimeä
pini FR-NB fini
pipi FR-NB bibitte
poka HR bòk(a)
poki CPE bokis (EN box)
pona EO bona
sama FI sama EO sama
seli KA ცხელი [tsxeli]
selo EO ŝelo
seme ZH shénme
sewi KA შეკით [sevit]
sijelo HR tìjelo
sike EN circle
sin ZH 新 xīn
sina FI sinä
sinpin ?
sitelen NL schilderen
sona KA ცოდნა [tsodna]
soweli KA ცხოკელი [tsxoveli]
suli FI suuri
suno EO suno
supa FR surface EO surfaco EN surface
suwi CPE swit (EN sweet)
tan ?
taso CPE tasol (EN that's all)
tawa EN towards
telo FR-NB de l'eau
tenpo EO tempo
toki CPE tok (EN talk)
tomo EO domo
tu EN two
unpa SS
uta HR ústa
utala HR ùdarati
walo FI valko(inen)
wan EN one
waso FR-NB oiseau
wawa FI vahva
weka NL weg
wile NL willen

2003[edit | edit source]

Word list (March 2003)[edit | edit source]

This word list is 98% complete. Total 119 words. One or two new minor words may be added later on, however the odds are becoming unlikely.[6]

word POS meaning
a interj ah! ha! oh! ooh! aw! (emotion word)
akesi n reptile, amphibian
ala mod no, not, none, un-
n nothingness, negation, zero
interj no!
ale or ali n everything, anything, life
mod all, every, complete, whole
anpa n bottom, down, under, below, floor, beneath
mod low, lower, bottom
vt lower, down, defeat, overcome
ante n difference
mod different, other
cont otherwise
vt change, alter, modify
awen vi stay, wait, reside, remain
vt keep
mod remaining, stationary, permanent, sedentary
e sep (introduces a direct object)
en conj and (used to coordinate head nouns)
prep with, accompany, among
ijo n thing, something, stuff, anything, object
vt objectify
ike mod bad, evil, wrong
interj oh dear! woe! alas!
n evil, badness
vt to make bad, to worsen, to have a negative effect upon
iki (archaic for ona)
ilo n tool, device, machine, thing used for a specific purpose
mod instrumental
insa n between, middle, centre, inside, stomach
mod internal, central
jaki mod disgusting, dirty, filthy
n dirt, pollution, filth
vt pollute, dirty, soil
interj ew! yuck!
jan n person, people, human, being, somebody, anybody, individual
mod personal, human, somebody's, of people
vt personify, humanize, personalize
jelo mod green, yellow
jo vt have, contain, possess
n posession, ownership
kala n fish, sea creature
kalama n sound, noise, voice
vi make noise
vt sound, ring, play (an instrument)
kama n event, happening, chance, arrival, beginning
mod coming, future
cont in the future
vi come, become, appear, arrive, happen, succeed, manage
vt cause, bring about, summon
kasi n plant, leaf, herb, tree, wood
ken n possibility, ability, power to do things, permission
vi can, is able to, is allowed to, may, is possible
vt make possible, enable, allow, permit
conj or
cont maybe, perhaps, possibly
kepeken vt use
prep with
kili n fruit, pulpy vegetable, mushroom
kin oth also, too, even, indeed (emphasizes the word that follows)
kiwen n hard thing, rock, stone, metal, mineral, clay
mod hard, stone, stone-like
ko n semi-solid substance (paste, powder, gum, etc.)
kon n air, wind, odour, soul
mod air-like, ethereal, gaseous
kule n colour, paint, pigment
vt colour, paint
kute vt listen, hear
mod auditory, hearing
kulupu n group, community, society, company
mod communal, shared, public, of the society
la sep (between adverb of context and sentence)
lape n, vi sleep, rest
mod sleeping, of sleep
laso mod blue
lawa n head, mind
mod main, leading, in charge
vt lead, control, rule, steer
leko n block, square object, cube, stairs
len n clothing, cloth, fabric
lete n cold
mod cold, uncooked
vt cool down, chill, freeze
li sep (between any subject except mi and sina and its verb; also used to introduce a new verb for the same subject)
lili mod small, little, a bit, short, few, less, young
vt reduce, shorten, shrink, lessen
linja n line, rope, hair, thread, string, cord, chain
lipu n paper, card, ticket, something flat and bendable
loje mod red
lon prep be located in/at/on
vi be there, be present in the now, be real/true, exist, be ready, be awake
luka n hand, arm, element of an overly complicated number or thing
mod five, relating to the hand or arm
lukin vt see, look at, watch, read
vi look, watch out, pay attention
mod visual, seeing
lupa n hole, orifice, window, door
ma n land, earth, country, outdoor area
mama n parent, mother, father
mod of the parent, parental, maternal, fatherly
mani n money, material wealth, treasure, currency, dollar, capital
meli n woman, female, girl, wife
mod female, feminine, womanly
mi n I, we
mod my, our
mije n man, male, husband
mod male, masculine, manly
moku n food, meal
vt eat, drink, swallow
moli n death
mod dead, deadly, fatal
vt kill
vi die, be dead
monsi n back, rear end, behind
mod back, rear
mu interj woof! meow! moo! etc. (cute animal noise)
mun n moon
mod lunar
musi n fun, playing, game, recreation, art, entertainment
mod artful, fun, recreational
vi play, have fun
vt amuse, entertain
mute mod many, several, very, much, a lot, abundant, numerous, more
n amount, quantity
vt multiply, increase the number of, make copies of, augment, divide into many parts
nanpa n number
oth -th (ordinal numbers)
nasa mod silly, crazy, foolish, drunk, strange, stupid, weird
vt drive crazy, make weird
nasin n way, manner, custom, road, path, doctrine, system, method
nena n bump, hill, mountain, button, nose
ni mod this, that
nimi n word, name
noka n leg, foot
o sep O (vocative or imperative)
interj hey! (calling somebody's attention)
oko n eye
olin n affectionate love
mod love
vt to love affectionately
ona n he, she, it, they
mod his, her, its, their
open vt open, turn on
pakala n blunder, accident, mistake, destruction, damage, breaking
vt screw up, fuck up, botch, ruin, break, hurt, injure, damage, bungle, spoil, ruin
vi fall apart, break
interj damn! fuck!
pali n activity, work, deed, project
mod active, operating, working
vt do, make, build
vi act, work, function, be alive
palisa n rod, stick, hard long thing
pana vt give, put, send, place, release, emit, yield, cause
n giving, transfer
pata n sibling, brother, sister, cousin
pi sep of
pilin n feelings, emotion, heart
vi feel
vt feel, think, sense
pimeja mod black, dark
n darkness, shadows vt darken
pini n end, tip
mod completed, finished, past, done, ago
vt finish, close, end, turn off
cont in the past
pipi n bug, insect, spider
poka n side, hip, next to
mod neighbouring
poki n container, box, bowl, cup, glass
pona n good, simplicity, positivity
mod good, simple, positive, nice, correct, right
interj great! good! thanks! OK! cool! yay!
vt improve, fix, repair, make good
sama mod same, similar, equal, of equal status
prep like, as, seem
cont similarly, in the same way that
seli n fire, warmth, heat
mod hot, warm, cooked
vt heat, warm up, cook
selo n outside, surface, skin, shell, bark, shape, peel
seme oth what, which, wh- (question word)
sewi n high, up, above, top, over, on,
mod superior, elevated, noble, religious, supernatural
sijelo n body, physical state
sike n circle, wheel, sphere, ball, cycle
mod round, cyclical
sin mod new, fresh, another, more
vt renew, renovate, freshen
sina n you
mod your
sinpin n front, chest, torso, wall
sitelen n picture, image
vt draw, write
sona n knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, understanding
vt know, understand, know how to
vi know, understand
soweli n land mammal, lovable animal, red meat
suli mod big, tall, long, important, old
vt enlarge, lengthen, give importance to
suno n sun, light
supa n horizontal surface, floor, furniture, table, chair, pillow, etc.
suwi n candy
mod sweet, cute
vt sweeten
tan prep from, by, because of, since
n origin, cause
taso mod only, sole
conj but
tawa prep to go to, to, in order to, towards, for, until
n movement, transportation
mod moving, mobile
vi go, leave, walk, travel, move
vt move, displace
telo n water, liquid, juice, sauce
vt wash with water
tenpo n time, period, situation
toki n language, talking, speech, communication
mod talking, verbal
vt say
vi talk, chat
interj hello! hi!
tomo n house, home, room, indoor place, building, constructed space
mod domestic, urban
tu mod two
n duo, pair
vt double, separate/cut/divide in two
unpa n sex, sexuality
mod erotic, sexual
vt have sex with
vi have sex
uta n mouth
mod oral
utala n conflict, competition, fight, war, battle, attack, blow, argument
vt hit, strike, attack, compete against
walo mod white, light (colour)
n white thing/part, whiteness
wan mod one, a, indefitine
n unit, element, particle, part, piece
vt unite, make one
waso n bird, flying animal
wawa n energy, strength, power
mod strong, fierce, intense, sure
vt strengthen, energize, empower
weka mod away, absent
n absence
vt remove, get rid of, eliminate
wile vt to want, need, wish, have to, must, will
n desire, need
mod necessary

English–Toki Pona dictionary (October 2003)[edit | edit source]

This dictionary is still under construction. Eventually, hundreds of English words will appear here, as I am in the process of adding translations for the most common words.
You may also want to cross-check individual meanings in the official Toki Pona word list.[7]

English toki pona
a, an (no translation)
an animal soweli
aardvark soweli (li moku e pipi)
aback:he was taken aback ijo li utala e pilin ona
abacus ilo nanpa
abandon (leave) tawa weka tan; (get rid of) weka e; (give up something begun) kama pini ala e
abandoned (deserted, forsaken) li jo ala e jan; (uninhibited) nasa
abashed (ill at ease, ashamed) pilin ike (kan jan); (confused) pilin nasa
abattoir tomo pi moli soweli
abbess jan sewi (meli)
abbey tomo (pi nasin) sewi
abbot jan sewi
abbreviate lili e
abbreviation nimi lili
abdicate pana weka e (ken)
abdomen insa
abduct li kama jo e jan kepeken wawa
abide (stay) awen (kan);
abide by the law pali lon wile kulupu
ability ken
ablaze:to be ablaze seli li lon ona
able ken;
able-bodied (sijelo li) wawa
abnormal nasa
aboard lon tomo (tawa)
abode tomo
abolish weka e
abominable ike mute
aboriginal tenpo nanpa wan la ona li lon ma
abortion moli e jan lili lon insa
abound mute
about (pertaining to) pi;
a story about women toki meli;
let's talk about food mi o toki moku; (approximately)
there were about three people ken la jan tu wan li lon; (around in circles) lon sike;
what about the dog? kin soweli (li kama ala kama)?
above sewi;
above the desk lon sewi supa
abrasion pakala selo
abreast lon poka
abroad (in another country) lon ma ante; (to another country) tawa ma ante
abrupt tenpo lili ike la ona li kama
abscess telo ike lon lupa sijelo
absence (away) weka
absent-minded (not paying attention) lukin ala; (thinking about something else) lawa li weka
absentee jan weka
absinthe telo nasa jelo
absolute (complete) ale;
an absolute idiot jan nasa suli
absolutely (very) mute
absorb kama/ken jo e (telo)
abstain pali ala;(from drink) moku ala e telo nasa; (from sex) unpa ala
absurd nasa
abundant mute
abuse (person) pana e ike tawa; (misuse) kepeken ike e; (insult) toki ike tawa jan
abysmal suli; ike mute
abyss lupa pimeja suli
acacia kasi
academic sona
academy (school) tomo sona; (society) kulupu sona
acanthus kasi
accelerate (go faster) wawa (e)
accent (pronunciation) kalama (pi toki ante); (stress, emphasis) wawa; suli
accentuate wawa e; suli e; toki wawa lon
accept kama jo e; pona e
access ken tawa/kepeken/jo
accessory ijo (lili)
accident (mishap) pakala; (chance event) kama
accomodate pana e tomo tawa
accommodation tomo
accompany kan
accomplice jan li pali ike kan jan
accomplish kama pali e
accord (agreement) lawa sama; (give) pana;
of my own accord mi wile
according:according to her ona li toki/pilin e ni:
accordingly (appropriately) nasin pona; (consequently) tan ni
accordion ilo pi kalama musi
account (bank) poki mani;
on account of tan;
account for toki e nasin ijo
accountable wile lawa e
accountant jan (pali) pi nanpa mani
accumulate (gather) kama jo e ijo mute; (become gathered) kama mute
accurate pi sona pona; wan lili li pona
accuse toki e ni: jan li pali e ijo ike
ace (cards) lipu nanpa wan; (expert) jan ken
ache pilin ike;(desire) wile mute
achieve kama pali e
achievement pali suli
achromatic jo ala e kule, pi kule ala
acid telo pakala
acknowledge (admit, know) (toki) sona e;
he didn't even acknowledge me ona li kin lukin ala e mi;
I acknowledged his letter mi toki e ni: mi kama jo e lipu toki ona; (gift) toki pona tan
acne nena lili en loje lon lawa
aconite kasi (pi sijelo ike)
acorn sike lili kasi
acoutsic(al) kalama
acoustics sona/nasin kalama
acquaint:be acquainted with sona e
acquaintance:he's an acquaintance mi sona (lili) e ona
acquire kama jo e
acre ma;
he owns many acres ona li jo e ma mute/suli
acreage suli ma
acrid (smell) kon ike; (remark, style) utala
acrimonious pilin ike
acrobat jan ken pi tawa musi
acronym wan toki lili
acropolis tomo mute wawa
across (on the other side) lon poka ante; (to the other side) tawa poka ante
acrylic len
act pali
action pali;(legal, military) utala
activate open e
active pali
activity pali
actor, actress jan pi pali pona
actual lon
actually kin
acupuncture palisa pi sijelo pona
acute (good perception) lukin pona; (intense) wawa; (insight) sona
adapt kama ante pona; ante pona e
add (put more) pana e (ijo sin); (increase in number) mute e; (increase in size) suli e
adder akesi (palisa)
addiction kepeken/moku/wile ike
addition:in addition kin
additional sin
address (location) tomo; (talk to) toki (tawa)
adequate pona;(enough) mute pona
adjacent lon poka
adjective wan toki nasin
adjourn pini e
agree toki lon lawa sama
and en;
a blue and white dress len laso en walo;
you and me sina en mi;
he approached and looked at me ona li kama, li lukin e mi;
I eat meat and vegetables mi moku e soweli e kili;
my parents and friends are arriving tomorrow tenpo suno kama la mama mi la jan pona mi li kama
are: see be
as (comparison)
as strong as me wawa sama mi; (while)
as war approaches tenpo la utala li kama; (being)
as a friend, I can help you mi jan pona. mi ken pali e pona tawa sina
at (location) lon; (time) tenpo... la;
they came at night tenpo pimeja la ona li kama; (activity)
at work pali, lon tomo pali; (towards) tawa;
angry at you pilin ike tawa sina; (state)
I'm good at languages mi sona pona e toki
alcohol telo nasa
ant pipi
antidepressant ilo pi pilin ike ala
apple kili
arm luka
automobile tomo tawa
baby jan lili
bag poki
ball like
basket poki
bathe lon telo
bathroom tomo telo
be (copulative verb has no equivalent)
I am happy mi pilin pona;
the bird is black waso li pimeja;
the water is fresh telo li sin; (location, time) lon;
she is in the bathroom ona li lon tomo telo;
the feast is tomorrow moku suli li lon tenpo suno kama; (exist, be there) lon; (feel) pilin;
are you OK? sina pilin pona ala pona?;
I am cold mi pilin lete; (progressive verb)
I am eating mi moku; (passive voice)
the cat was fed jan li pana e moku tawa soweli;
your bicycle has been damaged sike tu sina li pakala; (in questions)
is it new? ona li sin ala sin?; (can)
few birds were to be seen jan li ken lukin e waso lili; (cost)
how much is it? ona li sama mani seme?
bed supa lape
bee pipi
beautiful (visually) pona lukin; (music) pona kute; (to the senses) pona pilin
beer telo nasa
bell ilo kalama
berry kili lili
bicycle sike tu
bike sike tu
bird waso
boat tomo tawa (telo)
book toki awen
bowl poki
boot lon noka
bottle poki
box poki
boy mije lili
boyfriend mije (olin)
brain (head) lawa; (knowledge) sona
branch palisa
brick leko
bridge nasin lon sewi telo
bucket poki
but taso;
I would like to do it, but I have no money mi wile pali e ona. taso mi jo ala e mani; (contradicting)
that's not blue, but red ona li laso ala. (taso) ona li loje; (only)
she is but a child ona li jan lili taso; (except)
no one but him ona taso
button (on machine) nena; (on shirt) sike
by (close to) lon (loka); (from) tan; (using)
by hand kepeken e luka; (passive agent)
he was killed by a bear soweli wawa li moli e ona;
who's it by? jan seme li pali e ona?
bye (said by person leaving) mi tawa; (said by person staying) tawa pona
can (possibility, ability, right) ken; (know how to) sona
can (container) poki
cake moku suwi
camera ilo sitelen
car tomo tawa
card lipu
cat soweli
cheese moku (pi telo sinpin pi soweli)
chest sinpin
church tomo (pi nasin) sewi
circle sike
city ma tomo
clitoris nena lili unpa meli
clock ilo tenpo
cloth len
cloud kapesi pi sewi kon
coat sen (sijelo)
cocaine ko wawa
cord linja
cow soweli
cup poki
curtain len (lupa)
cushion supa/leko lape (lawa)
dark pimeja
dog soweli
door lupa (tomo)
dragon akesi suli
drawer poki lekoe
ear lupa kute
eight mute;(also) luka tu wan
eighteen mute;(also) luka luka luka tu wan
eleven mute;(also) luka luka wan
eye oko
fifteen mute;(also) luka luka luka
fifty mute;(also) luka luka luka luka luka luka luka luka luka luka
finger palisa luka
first nanpa wan
fish kala
five mute;(also) luka
flag lipu
floor anpa
flower kasi kule
foot noka
for tawa;
for you tawa sina;
what's this knife for? ilo pakala ni li tawa seme?;
time for dinner tenpo moku; (because of)
for this reason tan ni; (duration)
we've been here for many days tenpo suno mute la mi li lon ni
forever (always) tenpo ale; (a long time) tenpo suli
fork ilo moku
four mute;(also) tu tu
fourteen mute;(also) luka luka tu tu
fourty mute;(also) luka luka luka luka luka luka luka luka
from tan
girl meli lili
girlfriend (lover) meli (olin); (female friend) jan pona (meli)
glove len luka
goat soweli
good bye (said by person leaving) mi tawa; (said by person staying) tawa pona
green (yellow-green) jelo; (blue-green) walo
gun ilo moli
had see have
have jo e;(must)
have to wile;
you don't have to work sina wile ala pali; (eat, drink)
they had some juice ona mute li moku e telo; (questions)
has he arrived? ona li kama ala kama?
hair linja lawa
hate pilin ike tawa (jan); wile pana e ike tawa (jan);
I hate it ona li ike
he ona;(male also) mije
hello toki!(good day) suno pona!
hi toki!(good day) suno pona!
high (in height) sewi; (in degree or quantity) mute; (in importance) suli; (on drugs) (pilin) nasa
his ona
hope wile e;
I hope they can come mi wile e ni: ona li ken kama
hot seli;
I am hot mi pilin seli; (intense) wawa; (spicy) moku wawa; (beautiful) pona lukin
hundred:one hundred mute; (also) luka luka luka luka luka luka luka luka luka luka luka luka luka luka luka luka luka luka luka luka
I mi
in (location) lon;
in bed lon supa lape;
in the darkness lon pimeja; (state)
she was in a deep sleep ona li lape wawa; (future time)
I'll do it in two days tenpo suno tu kama la mi pali e ona; (language)
in English lon toki Inli
is: see be
it ona;(impersonal verbs)
it is raining telo li kama
jacket len (sinpin)
ketamine ilo lape soweli
kill moli e
knife (for cutting) ilo pakala; (as a weapon) ilo utala; (butter knife, etc.) palisal
last nanpa pini
law wile kulupu
letter (postal) lipu toki; (alphabet) sitelen toki
life (everything around us) ale; (activity) pali; (vitality) wawa
lighter ilo seli
marijuana kasi nasa;(used for meditation or enlightenment) kasi sona
menstruation telo loje (mun)
month tenpo mun
moon mun
music kalama musi
nine mute;(also) luka tu tu
nineteen mute;(also) luka luka luka tu tu
of pi;
house of my sister tomo pi meli sama mi; (often not translated)
the end of the branch pini palisa;
a man of wisdom mije wawa;
Republic of Turkey ma Tuki;
all of my children jan lili mi ale; (from, because of) tan;
die of hunger moli tan moku ala
on (location) lon; (about) a lecture on this subjecttoki sona lon ni; (take, use) kepeken, moku; (functioning) pali;
one wan;
one carrot kili wan; (indefinite)
one day tenpo suno wan; (sole)
the one and only person jan wan taso; (pronoun)
this one ni;
would you like one? sina wile ala wile jo e ona?;
the blue one ijo laso ni
other ante
or ken;
one or two people came jan wan ken tu li kama; (in questions)
do you want red or black? sina wile ala wile e loje? wile ala wile e pimeja?
out (outdoors) (tawa) ma; (the outside of) seli
paper lipu
penis palisa mije
pill moku lili
pillow supa lawa
pot (container) poki; (marijuana) kasi nasa;(used for meditation or enlightenment) kasi sona
ridiculous nasa
rip pakala e
room tomo
rooster wase mije
rule wile nasin; lawa e
seven mute;(also) luka tu
seventeen mute;(also) luka luka luka tu
silly nasa
six mute;(also) luka wan
sixteen mute;(also) luka luka luka wan
smoke kon (kapesi);
she smokes ona li kepeken e kon jaki
some (no translation)
some water telo;
some guy jan; (indefinite also)
some woman meli wan; (part)
do you want some? sina wile ala wile (moku) e ona?
steam kon telo
steep tenpo lili ike la ona li kama
take kama jo e
telephone ilo toki
ten mute;(also) luka luka
that ni;(conjunction) e ni:
he said that he had seen a woman ona li toki e ni: ona li lukin e meli; (very)
it's that good ona li pona mute
the (no translation)
the animal soweli
they ona;(plural also) ona mute; (people in general) jan; (everyone) jan ale
think (opinion)
I think you're silly mi pilin e ni: sina nasa; (logically reflect) toki lawa
I'll have to think about it mi wile toki lawa lon ona; (possibility)
I think he is coming ken la ona li kama; (remember) sona; (imagine) sitelen lawa
thirteen mute;(also) luka luka tu wan
thirty mute;(also) luka luka luka luka luka luka
this ni;
what's this? ni li seme?
to tawa(infinitive verb)
they want to come ona li wile kama
three mute;(also) tu wan
tobacco kasi jaki;(tobacco smoke) kon jaki
towel len
transportation tawa
twelve mute;(also) luka luka tu
twenty mute;(also) luka luka luka luka
two tu
use kepeken e
useful pona kepekenv
vagina lupa meli
vehicle ilo tawa;(car) tomo tawa
was: see be
wash telo e
washroom tomo telo
waste (use thoughtlessly) kepeken mute ike; (fail to take advantage of) kepeken ala; (garbage) ijo/ko jaki
water telo
we mi;(plural also) mi mute; (you and I also) sina en mi; (s/he and I also) mi en ona
weaken (become weak) kama wawa ala; (make weak) wawa ala e
weapon ilo utala
were: see be
what (question word) seme;
what am I eating? mi moku e seme?;
what colour is that? ni li kule seme?; (all)
I gave him what money I had mi pana e mani mi ale tawa ona; (exclamations)
what an idiot! ona li nasa (ike)!
wine telo nasa
with (in the company of) en;
I am with my dog mi en soweli mi;
I stay with you mi awen en sina; (by using) kepeken;
I opened it with my hand mi open e ona kepeken e luka; (having)
a boy with brown eyes mije lili li jo e oko kapesi
word wan toki
write awen e (toki)
you sina;(plural also) sina mute; (one, anyone) jan;
fresh air does you good kon sin li pona (tawa jan)

Foreign words (December 2003)[edit | edit source]

Proper nouns refer to specific countries, people, and languages.
These do not belong to the core vocabulary of Toki Pona, however they appear as foreign words. They are derived from their native pronunciation, adapted to the phonology of Toki Pona.
These lists are still under development. I encourage you to suggest any name changes or additions on our discussion group.
For general rules on how to convert a name into Toki Pona, see Tokiponization guidelines
Foreign words are always prefixed with an appropriate category word. For example:[8]

tp-ized English
ma Inli the English country, England
toki Inli the English language
jan Inli English person
nasin Inli the English way, customs, culture
jan Puta Buddha (person)
jan Alison Allison
ma tomo Lonton London (city)
ma tomo Sikako Chicago
kulupu Apijen IBM (group, company)

Countries and Languages[edit | edit source]

Countries are prefixed with ma. The asterix (*) means it is also the name of a language, prefixed with toki.

tp-ized English
Akanisan Afghanistan
*Alan Ireland, Irish Gaelic
Alensina Argentina
*Anku Korea, Korean
Antola Andorra
*Awisi Haiti, Haitian Creole
Ekato Ecuador
*Elena Greece, Greek
*Epanja Spain, Spanish
*Esi Estonia, Estonian
*Esuka Basque Country, Basque
Ilakija Iraq
*Ilan Iran, Persian
*Inli England, English
*Intonesija Indonesia, Indonesian
Isale Israel
*Isilan Iceland, Icelandic
*Italija Italy, Italian
Jamanija Yemen
*Kalalinuna Greenland, Greenlandic
Kana Ghana
Kanata Canada
*Kanse France, French
Katala Qatar
*Katelo Georgia, Georgian
Katemala Guatemala
Kenata Grenada
Kepeka Quebec
Keposi Cyprus
Kilipasi Kiribati
*Kinla Wales, Welsh
Konko (pi ma tomo Kinsasa) Congo, Dem. Rep.
Konko (pi ma tomo Pasawi) Congo, P. Rep.
Kosalika Costa Rica
Kosiwa Côte d'Ivoire
Kupa Cuba
*Kusala Gujarat, Gujarati
Kuwasi Kuweit
Lanka Sri Lanka
*Lesi Brittany, Breton
Lipija Libya
Lisensan Liechtenstein
*Lomani Romania, Romanian
*Losi Russia, Russian
*Lowasi Croatia, Croatian
*Lowenki Slovakia, Slovak
*Lowensina Slovenia, Slovenian
Lunpan Lebanon
*Lusepu Luxemburg
Luwanta Rwanda
*Maketonija Macedonia
*Malakasi Madagascar, Malagasy
*Malasija Malaysia, Malay
Malawi Malawi
Mali Mali
Malipe Morocco
*Masija Hungary, Hungarian
Masu Egypt
Mesiko Mexico
Mewika USA, American
Mijama Myanmar
Motowa Moldova
Mulitanija Mauritania
Namipija Namibia
Naselija Nigeria
*Netelan Netherlands, Dutch
*Nijon Japan, Japanese
Nise Niger
*Nosiki Norway, Norwegian Bokmål
Nusilan New Zealand
Ontula Honduras
Osalasi Austria
Oselija Australia
Pakisan Pakistan
Palakawi Paraguay
Palani Bahrein
Palata India
Panama Panama
*Panla Bangladesh, Bengali
Papeto Barbados
Papuwanijukini Papua New Guinea
Pasila Brasil
Pawama Bahamas
*Pelalusi Belarus, Belarussian
Pelu Peru
Pemuta Bermuda
Penesuwela Venezuela
Penin Benin
Pesije Belgium
*Pilipina Philipines, Tagalog
Pilisin Palestine
Pisi Fiji
Piten Britain, UK
*Pokasi Bulgaria, Bulgarian
*Posan Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnian
*Posuka Poland, Polish
*Potuke Portugal, Portugese
Samalino San Marino
*Sameka Jamaica, Jamaican Patois
Samowa Samoa
Sasali Algeria
*Sawa Java, Javanese
*Sawasi Swaziland
*Seki Czech (Republic)
Seneka Senegal
Setapika South Africa
Sile Chile
Sinita Trinidad and Tobago
Sipusi Djibouti
*Sonko China, Chinese
*Sopisi Serbia, Serbian
*Sukosi Scotland, Scots
Sulija Syria
*Sumi Finland, Finnish
Sutan Sudan
Suwasi Switzerland, Swiss
*Tansi Denmark, Danish
*Tawi Thailand, Thai
Toko Togo
Tominika Dominican Republic
*Tona Tonga, Tongan
*Tosi Germany, German
*Tuki Turkey, Turkish
Tunisi Tunisia
Tuwalu Tuvalu
Ukanta Uganda
*Ukawina Ukraine, Ukrainian
Ulukawi Uruguay
Uman Oman
Utun Jordan
Wanuwatu Vanuatu
Wasikano Vatican
*Wensa Sweden, Swedish
*Wije Vietnam, Vietnamese

Cities[edit | edit source]

Only internationally known cities should have a Toki Pona name.

English tp-ized
Berlin ma tomo Pelin
Helsinki ma tomo Lesinki
London ma tomo Lantan
Montreal ma tomo Monkela
Ottawa ma tomo Alawa
Paris ma tomo Paki
Toronto ma tomo Towano

Other Languages[edit | edit source]

Many languages are not named after countries:

tp-ized English
toki Alapi Arabic
toki Apikan Afrikaans
toki Awasa Hausa
toki Epelanto Esperanto
toki Ewantalu Ewantal
toki Inli pona Basic English
toki Insi Hindi
toki Intelinka Interlingua
toki Inu Inupiaq, Inuktitut, Eskimo
toki Ipo Igbo
toki Ito Ido
toki Iwisi Hebrew
toki Jolupa Yoruba
toki Kalike Scots Gaelic
toki Kantun Cantonese
toki Kisawili Swahili
toki Kuwenja Quenya, Elvish
toki Lolan Loglan
toki Loma Latin
toki Losupan Lojban
toki Lunasimi Quechua
toki Malasi Marathi
toki Nosiki sin Norwegian Nynorsk
toki Olapu Volapük
toki Pansapi Punjabi
toki Pasiki Fyksian
toki Pasuto Pashto
toki pona Toki Pona
toki Sami Laplander
toki Sankitu Sanskrit
toki Sinan Klingon
toki Tamasiko Berber, Tamazight
toki Tami Tamil
toki Teluku Telugu
toki Utu Urdu

Continents[edit | edit source]

tp-ized English
ma (suli) Amelika the Americas
ma (suli) Amelika lete North America
ma (suli) Amelika seli South America
ma (suli) Antasika Antarctica
ma (suli) Apika Africa
ma (suli) Asija Asia
ma (suli) Elopa Europe

Religions[edit | edit source]

tp-ized English
nasin sewi Jawatu Judaism
nasin sewi Kolisu Christianity
nasin pona Latapali Rastafarianism
nasin pona Taoism
nasin sewi Puta Buddhism
nasin sewi Silami Islam

2005[edit | edit source]

May 2005 (in German)[edit | edit source]

Under construction This table needs work:

finish the words, when done, finish the table with sentences, also perhaps reformat it. Source: [1]

Beenden Sie die Wörter, wenn Sie fertig sind, beenden Sie die Tabelle mit Sätzen und formatieren Sie sie möglicherweise auch neu (sorry for bad German, i used a translator)

If you know about this topic, you can help us by editing it. (See all)

Toki Pona ist eine von Sonja Kisa geschaffene Kunstsprache, die den Pidgin-Sprachen nachempfunden ist und mit 121 Wörtern auskommt. Klicken Sie irgendein Wort an, die Bedeutung wird angezeigt, es folgen einige Sätze in Toki Pona mit der deutschen Übersetzung. Jedes unbekannte Wort in den Sätzen kann wieder angeklickt werden, und der Prozeß wiederholt sich.

Eine Zusammenfassung der Grammatik gibt es bei Wikipedia. Auf derselben Seite ganz unten sind auch zwei Textbeispiele in Toki Pona mit Audiodatei zum Anhören. Die Aussprache ist nicht schwer, die Buchstaben entsprechen den deutschen Lautwerten und die Betonung und Länge der Silben ist gleichförmig.

Die Beispielsätze stammen aus der alten Version der offiziellen Toki Pona Seite.

Eigene Beiträge können Sie in den Assoziations-Blaster schreiben. Der Blaster ist ein Netzwerk, in das jeder beliebige Texte eintragen kann, wobei die Worte des Eintrags wieder als Links zu anderen Beiträgen dienen.

Diese Site kann auch offline gelesen werden, indem man eine Linktiefe von "1" mitspeichert.

word/sentence meaning
a Ah !  Oh ! Ha !
a a a. ni li musi. Hahaha, das ist lustig.
jan Tomas o a ! Oh Thomas !
a ! - akesi li wile moku e mi ! Ahh! - Das Krokodil will mich fressen !
a! telo sijelo loje li kama tan nena kute mi! Ah! Blut läuft mir aus dem Ohr!
akesi Reptil, Amphibie, Frosch, Dinosaurier, Monster
ala nein, nicht, kein, nichts, Nichts, Verneinung, Null
ali alle, alles, jede, jedes, das Gesamte, komplett, ganz
anpa Boden, unten, unter, unterhalb, niedrig, besiegen, bezwingen

2007[edit | edit source]

Word list (September 2007)[edit | edit source]

Total 118 words. Click on a blue word to hear it pronounced. Between italicized brackets [ ], you will find mnemonics to help remember a word.[9]

Parts of Speech

abbrev. meaning
n head noun
mod modifier (adjective or adverb)
sep separator
vt verb, transitive (normally used with e)
vi verb, intransitive
interj interjection
prep quasi-preposition
conj conjuncion
kama compound verb preceded by kama
cont context word used before la
conj conjuncion
oth special, other word

Official World List

word POS meaning
a interj ah, ha, uh, oh, ooh, aw, well (emotion word)
akesi n non-cute animal, reptile, amphibia
ala mod no, not, none, un-
n nothing, negation, zero
interj no!
ale, ali (both variants are correct)
n everything, anything, life, the universe
mod all, every, complete, whole
anpa n bottom, lower part, under, below, floor, beneath
mod low, lower, bottom, down
ante n difference
mod different
cont otherwise, or else
vt change, alter, modify
anu conj or
awen vi stay, wait, remain
vt keep
mod remaining, stationary, permanent, sedentary
e sep (introduces a direct object)
en conj and (used to coordinate head nouns)
ijo n thing, something, stuff, anything, object
mod of something
vt objectify
ike mod bad, negative, wrong, evil, overly complex, (figuratively) unhealthy
interj oh dear! woe! alas!
n negativity, badness, evil
vt to make bad, to worsen, to have a negative effect upon
vi to be bad, to suck
[sounds like icky]
ilo n tool, device, machine, thing used for a specific purpose
insa n inside, inner world, centre, stomach
mod inner, internal
jaki mod dirty, gross, filthy
n dirt, pollution, garbage, filth
vt pollute, dirty
interj ew! yuck!
jan n person, people, human, being, somebody, anybody
mod human, somebody's, personal, of people
vt personify, humanize, personalize
jelo mod yellow, light green
jo vt have, contain
n having
kala n fish, sea creature
kalama n sound, noise, voice
vi make noise
vt sound, ring, play (an instrument)
kama vi come, become, arrive, happen, pursue actions to arrive to (a certain state), manage to, start to
n event, happening, chance, arrival, beginning
mod coming, future
vt bring about, summon
[come up]
kasi n plant, leaf, herb, tree, wood
ken vi can, is able to, is allowed to, may, is possible
n possibility, ability, power to do things, permission
vt make possible, enable, allow, permit
cont it is possible that
kepeken vt use
prep with
kili n fruit, pulpy vegetable, mushroom
kin mod also, too, even, indeed (emphasizes the word(s) before it)
kiwen mod hard, solid, stone-like, made of stone or metal
n hard thing, rock, stone, metal, mineral, clay
ko n semi-solid or squishy substance, e.g. paste, powder, gum
kon n air, wind, smell, soul
mod air-like, ethereal, gaseous
kule n colour, paint
mod colourful
vt colour, paint
kute vt listen, hear
mod auditory, hearing
kulupu n group, community, society, company, people
mod communal, shared, public, of the society
la sep (between adverb or phrase of context and sentence)
lape n, vi sleep, rest
mod sleeping, of sleep
laso mod blue, blue-green
lawa n head, mind
mod main, leading, in charge
vt lead, control, rule, steer
len n clothing, cloth, fabric
lete n cold
mod cold, uncooked
vt cool down, chill
li sep (between any subject except mi and sina and its verb; also used to introduce a new verb for the same subject)
lili mod small, little, young, a bit, short, few, less
vt reduce, shorten, shrink, lessen
linja n long, very thin, floppy thing, e.g. string, rope, hair, thread, cord, chai
lipu n flat and bendable thing, e.g. paper, card, ticket
loje mod red
lon prep be (located) in/at/on
vi be there, be present, be real/true, exist, be awake
luka n hand, arm
lukin vt see, look at, watch, read
vi look, watch out, pay attention
mod visual(ly)
lupa n hole, orifice, window, door
[sounds like loop]
ma n land, earth, country, (outdoor) area
mama n parent, mother, father
mod of the parent, parental, maternal, fatherly
[sounds like momma]
mani n money, material wealth, currency, dollar, capital
meli n woman, female, girl, wife, girlfriend
mod female, feminine, womanly
mi n I, we
mod my, our
mije n man, male, husband, boyfriend
mod male, masculine, manly
moku n food, meal
vt eat, drink, swallow, ingest, consume
moli n death
vi die, be dead
vt kill
mod dead, deadly, fatal
monsi n back, rear end, butt, behind
mod back, rear
mu interj woof! meow! moo! etc. (cute animal noise)
mun n moon
mod lunar
musi n fun, playing, game, recreation, art, entertainment
mod artful, fun, recreational
vi play, have fun
vt amuse, entertain
mute mod many, very, much, several, a lot, abundant, numerous, more
n amount, quantity
vt make many or much
nanpa n number
oth -th (ordinal numbers)
nasa mod silly, crazy, foolish, drunk, strange, stupid, weird
vt drive crazy, make weird
nasin n way, manner, custom, road, path, doctrine, system, method
nena n bump, nose, hill, mountain, butto
ni mod this, that
nimi n word, name
noka n leg, foot
o sep O (vocative or imperative)
interj hey! (calling somebody's attention)
oko n eye
[similar to oculist]
olin n love
mod love
vt to love (a person)
ona n she, he, it, they
mod her, his, its, their
open vt open, turn on
pakala n blunder, accident, mistake, destruction, damage, breaking
vt screw up, fuck up, botch, ruin, break, hurt, injure, damage, spoil, ruin
vi screw up, fall apart, break
interj damn! fuck!
pali n activity, work, deed, project
mod active, work-related, operating, working
vt do, make, build, create
vi act, work, function
palisa n long, mostly hard object, e.g. rod, stick, branch
pana vt give, put, send, place, release, emit, cause
n giving, transfer, exchange
pi sep of, belonging to
pilin n feelings, emotion, heart
vi feel
vt feel, think, sense, touch
pimeja mod black, dark
n darkness, shadows
vt darken
pini n end, tip
mod completed, finished, past, done, ago
vt finish, close, end, turn off
pipi n bug, insect, spider
poka n side, hip, next to
prep in the accompaniment of, with
mod neighbouring
poki n container, box, bowl, cup, glass
pona n good, simplicity, positivity
mod good, simple, positive, nice, correct, right
interj great! good! thanks! OK! cool! yay!
vt improve, fix, repair, make good
sama mod same, similar, equal, of equal status or position
prep like, as, seem
seli n fire, warmth, heat
mod hot, warm, cooked
vt heat, warm up, cook
selo n outside, surface, skin, shell, bark, shape, peel
seme oth what, which, wh- (question word)
sewi n high, up, above, top, over, on
mod superior, elevated, religious, formal
sijelo n body, physical state
sike n circle, wheel, sphere, ball, cycle
mod round, cyclical
sin mod new, fresh, another, more
vt renew, renovate, freshen
sina n you
mod your
sinpin n front, chest, torso, face, wall
sitelen n picture, image
vt draw, write
sona n knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, understanding
vt know, understand, know how to
vi know, understand
kama learn, study
soweli n animal, especially land mammal, lovable animal
suli mod big, tall, long, adult, important
vt enlarge, lengthen
n size
suno n sun, light
supa n horizontal surface, e.g furniture, table, chair, pillow, floor
suwi n candy, sweet food
mod sweet, cute
vt sweeten
tan prep from, by, because of, since
n origin, cause
taso mod only, sole
conj but
[that's all]
tawa prep to, in order to, towards, for, until
vi go to, walk, travel, move, leave
n movement, transportation
mod moving, mobile
vt move, displace
telo n water, liquid, juice, sauce
vt water, wash with water
tenpo n time, period of time, moment, duration, situatio
toki n language, talking, speech, communication
mod talking, verbal
vt say
vi talk, chat, communicate
interj hello! hi!
tomo n indoor constructed space, e.g. house, home, room, building
mod urban, domestic, household
tu mod two
n duo, pair
vt double, separate/cut/divide in two
unpa n sex, sexuality
mod erotic, sexual
vt have sex with, sleep with, fuck
vi have sex
uta n mouth
mod oral
utala n conflict, disharmony, competition, fight, war, battle, attack, blow, argument, physical or verbal violence
vt hit, strike, attack, compete against
walo mod white, light (colour)
n white thing or part, whiteness, lightness
[sounds like wall, which is often white]
wan mod one, a
n unit, element, particle, part, piece
vt unite, make one
waso n bird, winged animal
wawa n energy, strength, power
mod energetic, strong, fierce, intense, sure, confident
vt strengthen, energize, empower
weka mod away, absent, missing
n absence
vt throw away, remove, get rid of
wile vt to want, need, wish, have to, must, will, should
n desire, need, will
mod necessary

References[edit | edit source]

  1. jan Pije. "About Toki Pona". bknight0.myweb.uga.edu. Archived from the original on 28 October 2007. Retrieved 24 May 2024.
  2. "Toki Pona Word List". bknight0.myweb.uga.edu. Archived from the original on 18 August 2007. Retrieved 24 May 2024.
  3. From an offline archive of tokipona.org. Retrieved 5 March 2002 10:45:53 (UTC).
  4. From an offline archive of tokipona.org. Retrieved 7 June 2002 09:54:56 (UTC).
  5. From an offline archive of tokipona.org. Retrieved 8 August 2002 05:34:11 (UTC).
  6. From an offline archive of tokipona.org. Retrieved 4 March 2003 15:30:00 (UTC).
  7. From an offline archive of tokipona.org. Retrieved 3 October 2003 12:24:03 (UTC).
  8. From an offline archive of tokipona.org. Retrieved 24 Dececember 2003 03:12:44 (UTC).
  9. From an offline archive of tokipona.org. Retrieved 27 September 2007 17:35:49 (UTC).