The following function is for creating links to sona pona using the wikitext syntax. It was created by waso Keli for the YAGPDB Discord bot.


  • Go to the YAGPDB dashboard.
  • Authorise its access to your account.
  • In the dashboard, go to "Custom commands" > "Commands" > "Create a new Custom Command".
  • Change the trigger type to "Regex" and set the trigger to \[\[.+\]\] and case-sensitive.
  • Paste the code below into "Response", then save.


{{/*   Trigger type:   Regex        */}}
{{/*   Trigger:        \[\[.+\]\]   */}}

{{ $bracketed_phrases := reFindAll `\[\[([^\]]*)\]\]` .Cmd }}
{{ range $bracketed_phrases -}}
  {{/* trim leading "[[" and trailing "]]" */}}
  {{- $wiki_link := slice .
     (sub (len .) 2)
  {{- $wiki_link = reReplace " " $wiki_link "_" }}
  {{- $wiki_link = urlescape $wiki_link }}
  {{- $wiki_link = joinStr "" "" $wiki_link "\n" }}
  {{- $wiki_link = reReplace "%23" $wiki_link "#" }}
  {{- $wiki_link }}
{{- end }}

{{/* tan waso */}}