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Caution: The subject of this article is an experimental or hypothetical style that is not understood by most speakers, or is used only in specific small communities. Learners should avoid using it.

kisiwi is an experimental alternative pronoun system for Toki Pona, by jan Seli. It uses the words ki, si, and wi instead of mi, sina, ona, and ni.

If the words ki, si, and wi are hard to distinguish, then the alternatives koni, soni, and ani are possible.

The system is based on the Japanese words kore, sore, and are. ki refers to the speaker, and things near the speaker. si refers to the listener, and things near the listener. wi refers to everything else.

Like mi and sina, if ki, si, or wi is the whole subject of a sentence, then li is omitted.

kisiwi was first published in the #sona-musi channel on the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server.

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