jan Kapilu

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jan Kapilu (name glyph: Kapilu) is a Brazilian poet and Tokiponist, and the co-creator of nasin nanpa pona, alongside jan Tepo.

kiwen walo[edit | edit source]

jan Kapilu's most well-known Toki Pona poem is kiwen walo, originally titled lon ma tomo pi tenpo pini suli. It was written as a submission for the 2020 poetry competition of utala musi pi ma pona, where it won first place.[1]

The poem was later included as a creative work in Toki Pona Dictionary in 2021 (under the old title).[2] It was also included in the Esperanto edition of Toki Pona: The Language of Good in 2022 (under the new title) as a challenge for people who finished the book's lessons, with an annotated Esperanto translation of the poem by jan Pensa, jan Kaja and jan Sonja on the other side of the page.[3]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. (11 November 2020). "utala pi toki musi #MAM/#LLW/#LLW". utala.pona.la. Retrieved 2 March 2024.
  2. Lang, Sonja. (18 July 2021). Toki Pona Dictionary. Illustrated by Vacon Sartirani. Tawhid. ISBN 978-0978292362. p. 401.
  3. Lang, Sonja. (1 October 2022). Tokipono: La lingvo de bono (in Esperanto). Translated by Spencer van der Meulen. ISBN 978-94-6437-609-8. p. 99-100. "Jen originala poemo de brazila tokiponisto jan Kapilu. Ĝi estas la lasta kaj plej altnivela tokipona teksto en ĉi tiu eldono. Post kiam vi studis la lecionojn, ni ŝatus defii vin provi legi kaj kompreni ĉi tiun poemon. Vi povas dume konsulti la vortaron sur paĝoj 137 ĝis 147. Se estas iu parto, kiun vi daŭre ne komprenas, vi povas kompari al la traduko en la sekva paĝo." [Here's an original poem by the Brazilian Tokiponist jan Kapilu. It is the final and highest level text in this edition [of the book]. When you've studied the lessons, we would like to challenge you to try to read and understand this poem. Meanwhile, you can consult the dictionary on pages 137 to 147. If there is a section that you still do not understand, you can compare it to the translation on the next page.].

External links[edit | edit source]

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