
From sona pona, the Toki Pona wiki
Revision as of 16:28, 27 February 2023 by JPeton (talk | contribs) (Correct history and add jan Kekan San)

li is a particle in toki pona that separates the subject from the rest of the sentence.

Function of li

li separates the subject from the predicate. The predicate can be a verb (with or without object), a noun, an adjective, or a prepositional phrase. It is omitted when the subject is "mi" or "sina" alone.

ona li moku.
They eat.
soweli li suwi.
The dog is cute.
kili li moku.
Fruits are food.
mi tawa tomo.
I'm going home.
sina en mi li lukin e sitelen tawa.
You and I watch a movie.

Multiple predicates

Typically, li is repeated when multiple predicates apply to the same subject.

ona li kama li tawa.
They come and go.

pu says that when multiple predicates are applied to "mi" or "sina" a new sentence should start.[1]

mi toki. mi moku.
I speak and eat.

Many speakers, however, use a second li in this case:

mi toki li moku.
I speak and eat.

This is referred to as "extended li style" and has received official sanction from ku.


The toki pona particle li is originally from the Esperanto third-person singular pronoun "li."[2] This explains pu's style of breaking a first-person sentence into two rather than applying li to a first- or second-person subject.


External resources