linja lipamanka is a sitelen pona font created by lipamanka. It is a "font of the people" that integrates nimi sin, name glyphs, and other features by community request.[2] It was originally planned as version 6 of linja sike, but was redesigned for legibility[2] and rebranded as a separate font.

linja lipamanka
Alternate names linjamanka
Supported characters All UCSUR glyphs, adopts an increasing amount of extra glyphs and personal name glyphs
Start of sitelen pona block U+F1900
Style Uniform line weight
Writing system sitelen pona
Author lipamanka
License OFL
First publication 19 January 2023[1]

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References Edit

  1. lipamanka [@lipamanka]. (19 January 2023). [Message posted in the #linja lipamanka thread in the #toki-suli channel in the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server]. Discord. Retrieved 4 November 2023.
  2. 2.0 2.1 lipamanka. linja lipamanka. lipamanka's website. Retrieved 5 November 2023.
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