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382 bytes added ,  5 months ago
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The {{w|handshape}} inventory consists of nine handshapes as shown below. This limited number of handshapes is helpful for those with limitations, either physical or technical, such as in {{w|virtual reality}}, since some controlers have a limited number of handshapes available. There are several allophonic variants when signing in real life, sometimes used for emotional effect.
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LSQ 1.jpg|'''{{handshape|wan}}''': Index finger extended
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Sign language V.svg|'''{{handshape|tu}}''': Index and middle fingers extended
signToki languagePona LLuka - luka wan.svgpng|'''{{handshape|tawawan}}''': Index finger and thumb extended
OpenA@InForwardToki Pona Luka - luka tu.jpgpng|'''{{handshape|kiwentu}}''': FistIndex and withmiddle thumbfingers extended
FlatB@InForwardToki Pona Luka - luka tawa.jpgpng|'''{{handshape|supatawa}}''': FingersIndex finger and thumb togetherextended
BentB@InForward.jpg|'''{{handshape|nena}}''': Fingers together, bent at knuckles
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Sign language O.svg|'''{{handshape|sike}}''': Tips of index (and middle) finger and thumb touching (other fingers together)
LSQToki 5Pona Luka - luka kiwen.jpgpng|'''{{handshape|telokiwen}}''': FingersFist with thumb spreadextended
LSQToki 9Pona Luka - luka supa.jpgpng|'''{{handshape|lilisupa}}''': Tips of index finger and thumb touching (other fingersFingers spread)together
BentB@InForwardToki Pona Luka - luka nena.jpgpng|'''{{handshape|nena}}''': Fingers together, bent at knuckles
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Toki Pona Luka - luka sike.png|'''{{handshape|sike}}''': Fingertips and thumb touching, forming an "O" shape
Toki Pona Luka - luka telo.png|'''{{handshape|telo}}''': Fingers spread
SignToki languagePona OLuka - luka lili.svgpng|'''{{handshape|sikelili}}''': Tips of index (and middle) finger and thumb touching (other fingers togetherspread)