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This is a list of Toki Pona corpora and other sources that can be readily used as such, useful for linguistic analysis or learning (machine or otherwise).

List Edit

Name Size (MB) Era Authors Fluency Type Parallel? License Notes
davidar's nltk-tp collection <4.68[a] ?–2017 Many Varies Varies some English None Contains:
  • jan Kipo's corpus (3.3 MB)
  • Matthew Dean Martin's corpus (0.1 MB)
Tatoeba 2.35 2010– Many Varies Translated sentences English, German, many others CC BY 2.0 FR Data quality marked in reviews
lipu tenpo ~0.7 2021– Some High Articles, poems No CC BY-SA 4.0 Text can be extracted using the command-line utility pdftotext, though with imperfect formatting. Some articles are available in webpage form on their website.
lipu kule ? 2021– Some High Articles No CC BY-SA 4.0
ante toki pona ? 2021– Few High Translated fiction English CC BY 4.0
Mozilla Common Voice 0.24 2021– Few Varies Sentences No CC0 1.0 Contains:
kalama sin (transcripts) ? 2021– Some Varies Spontaneous and scripted speech No CC BY-SA 4.0

Notes Edit

  1. This includes non-Toki Pona data.