Names: Difference between revisions

215 bytes added ,  7 days ago
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(→‎Tokiponization: fix link to coronal consonants)
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==={{tp|sitelen pona}}===
{{Main|sitelen pona#Names|l1=sitelen pona {{sect}} Names}}
[[File:Cartouche in Sitelen Pona - jan Sonja.svg|thumb|300px|{{tp|jan Sonja}} written in {{tp|sitelen pona}} with the cartouche highlighted in red]]
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==={{tp|sitelen sitelen}}===
{{Main|sitelen sitelen#Names|l1=sitelen sitelen {{sect}} Names}}
[[File:Cartouche in Sitelen Sitelen - jan Sonja.svg|thumb|250px|{{tp|jan Sonja}} written in {{tp|sitelen sitelen}} with the cartouche highlighted in red]]
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Names are prioritised in their {{w|Acoustic phonetics|acoustic}} similarity rather than how they are {{w|Articulatory phonetics|articulated}}.
Phonemes are often matched to the closest {{w|place of articulation}}. {{w|Labial consonant|labials}} become /p, m, w/; {{w|Coronal consonant|coronals}} become /t, n, s, l/; and {{w|Velar consonants|velar}}, {{w|uvular consonants|uvular}}, and {{w|pharyngeal}} consonants become /k/ (e.g. ''{{lang|fr|f'''r'''ançais}}'' {{IPA|[fʁɑ̃sɛ]}} > {{tp|'''K'''anse}}). In particular, the {{w|voiceless labiodental fricative}} /f/ becomes /p/, and its voiced counterpart /v/ becomes /w/, the same applies to similar sounds.
The {{w|manner of articulation}} more closely matches the phoneme. {{w|Affricates}} generally become {{w|fricatives}}. Due to their {{w|Acoustic phonetics|acoustic}} similarity to {{w|lateral fricatives}}, it is recommended that voiceless laterals become /s/. {{w|Nasal consonants}} and {{w|nasal vowels}} in final position become [[coda n|coda /n/]] to follow Toki Pona's phonotactics.
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It is suggested keeping the same number of syllables when tokiponizing, dropping a consonant rather than inserting a vowel. However, the order of phonemes may be switched to save consonants from being dropped. For example, ''{{lang|ar-Latn|Lubnān}}'' ({{lang|ar|لبنان}}, "Lebanon") becomes {{tp|Lunpan}} rather than {{tp|Lupan}}.
Vowels are matched to the closest one in the {{w|vowel space}}. The {{w|schwa}} may be turned into any vowel,. althoughThe schwa may be turned into any vowel. Approaches for this include matching adjacent vowels, itusing isvowels mostthat commonlyschwa transcribedis perceived as /a/similar to in the source language, matching vowel sounds from cognates in other languages, and matching orthography.