Source:Toki Pona: The Language of Good/Phrase Book

From sona pona, the Toki Pona wiki

Toki Pona
The Language of Good
What is Toki Pona?
Part 1: Lessons
1. Letters and Sounds
2. Words and Sentences
3. Nouns and Adjectives
Part 3: Dictionaries
Sign Language
Place Names
Language Names
Phrase Book
Official Toki Pona Dictionary

The "Phrase Book" is a section of Toki Pona: The Language of Good, by Sonja Lang.

Phrase Book[edit | edit source]

toki hello!
pona great, thanks, OK
pona tawa sina peace be with you
mi tawa bye (said by person leaving)
tawa pona bye (said by person staying)
mi wile (e ni) please, I would like
ale li pona all is well, life is good, don’t worry
ike a oh dear, oh my
lape pona good night
kama pona welcome
moku pona enjoy your meal
seme li sin? what’s new?
sina pilin seme? how are you feeling?
a a a! ha ha ha!
mi kama sona e toki pona I’m learning Toki Pona
sina pona you’re cool, I like you
mi olin e sina I love you
tomo telo li lon seme? where is the washroom?

See also[edit | edit source]