Source:Toki Pona: The Language of Good/Hieroglyphs

From sona pona, the Toki Pona wiki

Toki Pona
The Language of Good
What is Toki Pona?
Part 1: Lessons
1. Letters and Sounds
2. Words and Sentences
3. Nouns and Adjectives
Part 3: Dictionaries
Sign Language
Place Names
Language Names
Phrase Book
Official Toki Pona Dictionary

"Hieroglyphs" is a section of Toki Pona: The Language of Good, by Sonja Lang. It describes sitelen pona.

Hieroglyphs[edit | edit source]

The letters of the Latin alphabet (presented in Lesson 1) are the most common and convenient way to write Toki Pona. There is also the ornamental sitelen sitelen system invented by Jonathan Gabel. (Examples of it are on page 72.)

This section presents a simple hieroglyphic system called sitelen pona. Each Toki Pona word is represented by a unique logogram or symbol.

Combined Glyphs

A single adjective can be written inside or above the word it modifies.

Proper Names

Proper names are written inside a cartouche. Inside this oval shape, each glyph only represents the first letter of its word.

When writing these proper names, you may creatively choose whichever glyphs you feel are appropriate. For example, to write the letter w in your name, you might use waso if you like birds, or wawa if you value your strength.

This sentence shows one way to write Canada:

ma Kanata li suli
Canada is large.

See also[edit | edit source]