
From sona pona, the Toki Pona wiki
Revision as of 21:12, 22 February 2023 by JPeton (talk | contribs) (Reformat examples and clarify "en is not and")

en is a particle of toki pona used to introduce multiple subjects to a single sentence.

Function of en

en is a subject particle, just like li and e are verb and object particles respectively. However, with en, the first subject is always unmarked.

mi en sina li pali e pan
We (I and you) bake bread.
jan en soweli li tawa lon ma kasi
Someone is walking their dog in the woods.

en is not and.

In Toki Pona, and is implied any time there is repetition. To say and in the subject, verb, or object, you repeat the corresponding particle.

ona li kama li tawa
He arrives and leaves.
ona li lukin e ma e sewi
She sees the land and the sky.
mi en sina li pali e pan
We (I and you) bake bread.

en is only used to introduce repeated subjects. Multiple predicates, objects, and prepositions are formed by repeating li, o, e, or the preposition, as the case may be.

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