jan Keta li weka!

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Front cover of a 1987 edition in the original Esperanto

jan Keta li weka! is a Toki Pona translation of the 1983 Esperanto novella Gerda malaperis!, written by Claude Piron, translated by jan Tepo and published in May 2022.[1] At about 15 thousand words, it held the record of the longest work of literature in Toki Pona for about two months.

Anthony McCarthy claimed that a good translation of Gerda malaperis! into Toki Pona would be impossible.[2][3][4]

Overview[edit | edit source]

jan Keta li weka! is a crime mystery novella about a group of friends who witness and investigate a mysterious kidnapping of a translator called jan Keta (Gerda).

The original text, Gerda malaperis!, was written in simple Esperanto, and it's one of the most famous works of Esperanto literature. It is often recommended to beginners, and it forms the basis of multiple online Esperanto courses. It starts with very simple grammar and vocabulary, and increases a little in difficulty with every chapter. The Toki Pona version does not have the same gradual difficulty curve, because things that are very simple to talk about in Esperanto are not necessarily just as simple in Toki Pona.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. jan Tepo. (29 May 2022). "jan Keta li weka! a translation of the esperanto story "Gerda Malaperis"" (in English). Reddit. Retrieved 13 February 2024.
  2. jan Misali. (8 September 2017). "Conlang Critic Episode Fourteen: Ido". jan Misali [@HBMmaster]. YouTube. Retrieved 31 December 2023.
  3. jan Misali [janmisali]. (21 September 2017). "New radio shows? retrospective". Tumblr. Retrieved 27 December 2023.
  4. Anthony McCarthy (commenter), jan Misali (commenter and compiler), et al.. (20 November 2020). "New radio shows? transcript". Google Docs. Retrieved 27 December 2023.

External links[edit | edit source]

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