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'''{{tp|li}}''' is a [[particle]] inused Tokito Ponaintroduce the [[predicate]], that is, it separates the [[subject]] from the rest of the sentence.
== Function of {{tp|li}} ==
The Toki Pona particleword {{tp|li}} is derived from the {{w|Esperanto}} third-person singular pronoun "li.".<ref>[// tokiWord ponaOrigins]. EtymologicalArchived Dictionary]from the original on 2 November 2019. ''Toki Pona''.</ref>
== Function of {{tp|li}} ==
{{tp|li}} separates the subject from the predicate. The predicate can be a verb (with or without object), a noun, an adjective, or a prepositional phrase. It is omitted when the subject is {{tp|mi}} or {{tp|sina}} alone.
{{Example|ona li moku.|They eat.}}
{{Example|soweli li suwi.|The dog is cute.}}
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{{Example|sina en mi li lukin e sitelen tawa.|You and I watch a movie.}}
== =Multiple predicates ===
Typically, {{tp|li}} is repeated when multiple predicates apply to the same subject.
{{Example|ona li kama li tawa.|They come and go.}}
{{pu}} says that when multiple predicates are applied to {{tp|mi}} or {{tp|sina}}, a new sentence should start.<ref>[[{{cite pu]] p. |56}}</ref>
{{Example|mi toki. mi moku.|I speak and eat.}}
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{{Example|mi moku li toki.|The food-related me is talking.}}
== Etymology References==
<references />
The Toki Pona particle {{tp|li}} is from the Esperanto third-person singular pronoun "li."<ref>[// toki pona Etymological Dictionary]</ref>
==External References links==
<references />
== External resources ==
* {{tppu|[[pu]]en}}: Lessons 2 through 5.2–5
* {{tok|jan Kekan San}}: [// {{tok|jan Kekan San}} Actions with {{tok|li}}]
* [// {{tok|jan Lentan}} Lessons 1-4]
* {{tok|jan Lentan}}: [ Lessons 1–4]
* [// {{tok|sitelen sitelen}} Basic Sentences]
* {{tok|soweli Tesa}}: [ {{tok|soweli Tesa}} Lesson 2]
* {{tp|nasin toki pona}}: [// the particle {{tok|nasin toki ponali}}]
* Jonathan Gabel: [// {{tok|sitelen sitelen}} Basic Sentences]
* [// {{tok|jan Kekan San}} Actions with {{tok|li}}]