linja pona

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kijetesantakalu glyph by James Flear

linja pona is a uniform line weight sitelen pona font, created by David A Roberts and expanded on by jan Same, with several major versions released from 2016 to 2021. Its goal is to be "a standard font that was simple and that could be read easily at different sizes"—"the Arial of sitelen pona"[1]. It has influenced other sitelen pona fonts in glyph design and feature set. Most notably, the linja sike font used the linja pona glyphs as a base.

In an effort to make most of the glyphs fill a square bounding box, linja pona heavily diverges from some of the pu glyphs' proportions. For example, the loops in linja pona's pronoun (mi sina ona) and lape glyphs take up most of the space, which may make them harder to read or distinguish; its palisa is also quite wide.

It was the first font to include glyphs beyond the characters featured in lipu pu.


  • ASCII transcription
  • Cartouches
  • Combined glyphs
  • nimi ku suli
  • Extended pi


  1. u/jan-Same. Reply to "linja pona font update". r/tokipona. Reddit. May 20, 2020.

    Thank you! With linja pona, I tried to make the Arial of sitelen pona.
    An uniform simple design that could be easily read whatever the size.