lipu monsuta

From sona pona, the Toki Pona wiki
(Redirected from mun monsuta)

Outside of Toki Pona, this subject is usually referred to by this title. Within Toki Pona, the phrase lipu monsuta is not a proper name, so it may be used flexibly to refer to anything matching the literal meaning of the phrase. (Learn more)

lipu monsuta is a yearly horror anthology webzine written entirely in Toki Pona. It features contributions from the Toki Pona community, with entry submissions accepted from August to September.[1] The first issue, uta monsuta, was released in 2021, and its goal was to demonstrate that it is possible to compose horror literature in Toki Pona.[2]

Issues[edit | edit source]

As of October 2023, the zine has three published issues.

No. Name Date of publication No. of stories Pages Ref.
1 uta monsuta 13 October 2021 5 23 [3]
2 mun monsuta 7 October 2022 7 42 [4]
3 telo monsuta 16 October 2023 9 78 [5]
4 kijetesantakalu monsuta 1 April 2024 [6]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. lipu monsuta. Retrieved 31 October 2023.
  2. jan Nowa (7 August 2022). "suno pi toki pona 2022 - uta monsuta presentation + live reading". YouTube. Archived from the original on 31 October 2023. Retrieved 31 October 2023.
  3. "uta monsuta". Retrieved 18 April 2024.
  4. "mun monsuta". Retrieved 18 April 2024.
  5. "telo monsuta". Retrieved 18 April 2024.
  6. "kijetesantakalu monsuta". Retrieved 18 April 2024.

External links[edit | edit source]

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