
Obscure Toki Pona content word
Caution: The subject of this article is just for fun. It might not be meant or appropriate for serious use.

okepuma is an obscure post-pu joke word and nimi sin relating to inconsiderate elders.

Pronunciation /ˈo.ke.pu.ma/
Usage 2023: Obscure (2% ↘︎ )Caution: Most speakers don't understand this word.2022: Obscure (3%)
Book and era No book (post-pu)
Part of speech Content word

Etymology Edit

The word okepuma is derived from English ok boomer, used to dismiss attitudes such as climate change denial and bigotry that are associated with baby boomers. The original phrase became popular in 2019, and jan Elijo coined okepuma in the same year.

Semantic space Edit

The semantic space of okepuma includes baby boomers, as well as other inconsiderate elders who are not literally part of that generation. Like the English phrase, it is derogatory and can be used as an insulting interjection.

sitelen pona Edit

The sitelen pona glyph for okepuma (okepuma) is derived by combining the glyph for jan (jan) with a rare glyph for majuna (majuna1).

Further reading Edit