utala musi pi ma pona

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utala musi pi ma pona is a series of art and literature contests held primarily on the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server. The official website, a subdomain of pona.la, hosts all submissions of the contests, making it home to many pieces of original Toki Pona literature and art.

Winners are determined by public voting. The literature contests are planned to be a yearly event.[1]

Literature contests

utala pi toki musi (2020)

A poetry writing contest held in November 2020, and the first utala musi pi ma pona. Aside from community voting, jan Sonja also announced her personal top 3 favorites, two of which were published in her book Toki Pona Dictionary the next year. There were 44 submissions.

utala pi lipu kalama tawa (2021)

A screenplay writing contest held in January 2021. There were 5 submissions.

The winner, tu kuntu by kule epiku Atawan and kala pona Tonyu, is also notable for setting a new record for the longest original Toki Pona text, with a word count of about 7000 words.

utala pi lipu musi lili (2022)

A short story contest for texts of 500 words or longer. There were 16 submissions from 14 different contestants.

utala musi pi toki lili pi lipu suli (2023)

A literature contest. For the first time, there are two categories: texts up to 100 words, and texts of 500 words or longer.

Two long-form submissions broke the previous record for longest original Toki Pona text: Nasi by jan Kepe (about 20 000 words) and mi en waso Kaka en monsuta pi ma kasi by jan Pensa (about 8500 words). Before this, tu kuntu from the 2021 contest was still the record holder.

Other contests

utala pi sitelen ma (2021)

A contest held to choose a new server icon for the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server. The winner was a colorful sitelen pona-based design from jan Melon.

utala pi musi mu (2023)

A comedy contest organized by jan Kekan San in April and May of 2023. Submissions were open from April 6th to May 1st, and subsequent voting ended on May 8th.[2] The results were announced on 17 May 2023.[3]

utala pi sitelen ma (2024)

A contest held to choose a new server icon and banner for the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server. Submissions were open from January 1st to February 3rd, and subsequent voting ended on February 6th. The winner was a rainbow sitelen pona-based design from kala pona Tonyu.

External links


  1. jan Lakuse [@raacz106]. (23 July 2023). [Message posted in the #pali-musi channel in the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server]. Discord. Retrieved 15 February 2024. "this contest will probably be a yearly thing".
  2. jan Kekan San [@gregdan3]. (6 April 2023). [Message posted in the #mu-mun channel in the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server]. Discord. Retrieved 15 February 2024.
  3. jan Kekan San [@gregdan3]. (17 May 2023). [Message posted in the #ijo-sin channel in the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server]. Discord. Retrieved 15 February 2024.
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