Common lexicalizations: Difference between revisions

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An important part of ''{{tp|[[toki pona]]''}} philosophy is that the speaker must think about what something is at its core before they can talk about it. Fixed phrases for specific things, also known as [[lexicalization]]s, are frowned upon, as they sidestep that aspect, while also forcing other speakers to memorize such combinations and making it difficult to use them to refer to other things.
Nonetheless, some semi-lexicalizations do creep into common usage. This page aims to catalog them, and provide ideas for alternatives, and inspiration for your own phrasings.
== Featured in ''{{tp|pu''}} ==
These phrases occur in {{pu}}.
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|''{{tp|[[toki pona]]''}}<ref>Same goes for ''{{tp|[[sitelen pona]]''}} and such.</ref>
|the Language of Good by [[Sonja Lang]]
|''{{tp|toki ni''}}, ''{{tp|toki lili''}}, ''{{tp|toki pi nimi lili''}}, ''{{tp|toki pi nimi mute ala''}}, ''{{tp|toki pi nimi ale mute''}} ([[How many words does toki pona have?|or more]])<br />''{{tp|toki pi jan Sonja''}}, ''{{tp|toki pu''}}, ''{{tp|toki tan lipu pu''}}, ''{{tp|toki ku''}}<br />Any above, replacing ''{{tp|toki''}} with ''{{tp|nasin toki''}}
|''{{tp|tomo tawa''}}<ref>Funnily enough, ''{{tp|pu''}} uses this as part of a call ''{{tp|not''}} to lexicalize, proposing ''{{tp|ilo tawa''}} from the perspective of a driver and ''{{tp|kiwen tawa''}} from that of a hit pedestrian.</ref>
|''{{tp|ilo tawa''}}, ''{{tp|kiwen tawa''}}, ''{{tp|poki tawa''}}, ''{{tp|supa mute tawa''}}<br />Any above, replacing ''{{tp|tawa''}} with ''{{tp|awen''}}, ''{{tp|pini''}} (when parked, stopped, or braking)<hr />''{{tp|tomo nasin''}}, ''{{tp|poki jan''}}, ''{{tp|tomo pi noka sike''}}, ''{{tp|soweli ilo''}}, ''{{tp|mani kiwen''}}<br />''{{tp|tomo pi weka ma''}}, ''{{tp|tomo pi pana kon ike''}}, ''{{tp|tomo pi sike kalama''}}, ''{{tp|ilo moli''}} (critical)
|''{{tp|telo nasa''}}
|alcoholic drink
|''{{tp|telo pan''}}, ''{{tp|telo ike''}}, ''{{tp|telo pona''}}, ''{{tp|telo musi''}}, ''{{tp|telo pi ante lawa''}}, ''{{tp|telo pi lawa weka''}}
|''{{tp|jan pona''}}
|''{{tp|jan poka''}}, ''{{tp|jan olin''}} (for close friends), ''{{tp|jan mi''}}, ''{{tp|jan kulupu''}}, ''{{tp|jan pi kulupu mi''}}<br />Any above, replacing ''{{tp|jan''}} (for nonhuman friends)
|''{{tp|jan lili''}}
|''{{tp|jan kili''}}, ''{{tp|jan tan mama''}} (as in offspring)<br />''{{tp|jan sin''}}, ''{{tp|jan pi tenpo lili''}} (as in youth)<br />Any above, replacing ''{{tp|jan''}} (for nonhuman children)
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|''{{tp|ma pona''}}
|the Discord server ''{{tp|[[ma pona pi toki pona]]''}}
|''{{tp|ma ni''}}, ''{{tp|ma pi suli nanpa wan''}}, ''{{tp|ma pi akesi Jan''}}
|''{{tp|jan sin''}}
|newbie, especially in a ''{{tp|toki pona''}} context
|''{{tp|jan pi kama sona''}}, ''{{tp|jan pi open sona''}}, ''{{tp|jan pi sona lili''}}<br />Any above, replacing ''{{tp|jan''}} (for nonhuman newcomers)
|''{{tp|nimi sin''}}<ref>Often merged into ''{{tp|[[nimisin]]''}}, itself a new word.</ref>
|word created after ''{{tp|pu''}} or ''{{tp|ku''}}<hr />word that would be new to someone who has only read ''{{tp|pu''}} or ''{{tp|ku''}}, even if created before
|''{{tp|nimi namako''}}<ref>Itself using a ''{{tp|nimi namako''}}. See [[Synonyms]].</ref>, ''{{tp|nimi pi pu ala''}}, ''{{tp|nimi pi ku ala''}}, ''{{tp|nimi nasa''}}, ''{{tp|nimi pi kepeken lili''}}
|''{{tp|kasi nasa''}}
|marijuana and its derivatives, such as edibles, vapes
|''{{tp|moku nasa''}}, ''{{tp|moku pi lawa weka''}}, ''{{tp|kasi pi pilin nasa''}}, ''{{tp|kasi pi wile moku''}}
|''{{tp|pana sona''}}
|to teach, teaching, education
|''{{tp|mi pana e sona''}}, ''{{tp|sina kama sona tan mi''}}, ''{{tp|mi tawa sina e sona''}}, ''{{tp|sina la mi sama lipu''}}
|''{{tp|soweli tomo''}}
|''{{tp|soweli pona''}}, ''{{tp|soweli poka''}}, ''{{tp|soweli mi''}}, ''{{tp|soweli jan''}}, ''{{tp|soweli olin''}}, ''{{tp|soweli awen''}}<br />Any above, replacing ''{{tp|soweli''}} with ''{{tp|akesi''}}, ''{{tp|kala''}}, ''{{tp|pipi''}}, ''{{tp|waso''}} (for non&ndash;land mammal pets)
|''{{tp|ken la''}}
|''{{tp|lon ken''}}, ''{{tp|ni li ken''}}
|''{{tp|supa lape''}}
|''{{tp|ilo lape''}}, ''{{tp|supa ko''}}, ''{{tp|supa unpa''}}
|''{{tp|kalama musi''}}
|''{{tp|musi kalama''}}, ''{{tp|musi kute''}}, ''{{tp|kalama nasin''}}, ''{{tp|nasin kalama''}}, ''{{tp|kalama kulupu''}}, ''{{tp|kulupu kalama''}}, ''{{tp|kalama pona''}}
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