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{{Other license|ask|the information was extracted from archived versions of tokipona.org}}
{{Imported from|[https://pad.snopyta.org/s/OggBFN-a9 pad.snopyta.org]}}
{{Needs work|This page is missing the word list found on http://tokipona.net/tp/janpije/about/olddict.html which must have originated between 2002 and 2003}}
{{Imported from|[https://pad.snopyta.org/s/OggBFN-a9 pad.snopyta.org].}}
TheThis earliestpage versionsdetails ofthe tokihistory ponaand asevolution it was first published onof the internetdictionary mayfor beToki lostPona toover time,. but this pageIt collects the earliest available word lists to show how the "official" vocabulary has changed before the publication of the book ''[[Toki Pona: The Language of Good]]''.
===Word list (August 2001)===
According to {{tok|[[jan Pije]]}}'s pre-pu website, this wordlist is "the Toki Pona vocabulary as it was first presented online,"<ref>{{cite web |url-status=unfit |title=About Toki Pona |website=bknight0.myweb.uga.edu |author=jan Pije |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20071028152932/http://bknight0.myweb.uga.edu:80/toki/about/about.html |archive-date=2007-10-28 |access-date=2024-05-24}}</ref> presumably refering to 8 August 2001, or else probably not long thereafter.
This word list is 95% complete. Total 118 words so far. A few new minor words may be added later on.<ref>{{cite web |url-status=unfit |title= Toki Pona Word List |website=bknight0.myweb.uga.edu |publisher= |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20070818031155/http://bknight0.myweb.uga.edu/toki/about/olddict.html |archive-date=2007-08-18 |access-date=2024-05-24}}</ref>
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Word
! Definition
| a
| ah! ha! oh! ooh! aw! (emotion word)
| ala
| no, not, none, negation, zero, un-
| ale
| they, all, everything, anything, complete, whole
| akesi
| non-cute earth animal, reptile, amphibian, etc.
| anpa
| low, bottom, lower, down, under, below, floor
| ante
| different, other, changed, otherwise
| awen
| keep, stay, wait, reside
| e
| (introduces a direct object)
| en
| and
| ijo
| thing, something, stuff, anything
| ike
| bad, evil
| iki
| he, she, it, him, her, his, its
| ilo
| tool, device, machine
| insa
| between, middle, centre, inside, stomach, torso
| jaki
| disgusting, dirty, pollution
| jan
| person, people, human, being, somebody, anybody, one
| jelo
| yellow
| jo e
| to have, contain, possess
| kala
| fish, sea creature
| kalama
| sound, noise, voice
| kama
| to come, become, appear, arrive, happen, succeed, manage, then
| kan
| to be/do/go with, accompany, among
| kapa
| hill, mountain, bump, button
| kapesi
| brown, grey
| kasi
| plant, tree, wood
| ken
| can, is able to, is allowed to, may, probable, is possible, maybe, power
| kepeken
| use, with use of
| kili
| fruit, vegetable
| kin
| also, too, even, indeed
| ko
| paste, substance, powder
| kon
| air, wind, smell, atmosphere, mood, spirit, soul
| kule
| colour
| kute e
| listen, hear
| la
| (between adverb of context and subject)
| lape
| rest, sleep
| laso
| blue, green
| lawa
| head, main, lead, mind, brain, opinion, thought
| leko
| block, square object, cube, stairs
| len
| clothing, cloth
| lete
| cold, uncooked
| li
| (separates any subject except mi and sina from its verb)
| lili
| small, little, a bit, short, few, less, young
| linja
| line, family, rope, thread, string, cord, chain
| lipu
| paper, card, ticket, something flat
| lape
| to sleep, rest
| loje
| red
| lon
| to be (located) in/at/on, be there/present/real/true, exist
| luka
| hand, arm, five, overly complicated number or thing
| lukin e
| to see, perceive, look at, watch, watch out, pay attention, visit
| lupa
| hole, loop, window, door, orifice
| ma
| land, earth, country, outdoor area
| mama
| father, mother, parent
| mani
| money, material wealth, treasure, currency, dollar
| meli
| woman, female, girl, wife
| mi
| I, me, my
| mije
| man, male, guy, husband
| moku
| food, meal
| moku e
| to eat, drink, swallow
| moli
| die, death, kill
| monsi
| back, rear end, behind
| mun
| moon
| musi
| to play, have fun
| mute
| many, several, very, much, quantity, amount, a lot, abundant, numerous, more
| nanpa
| number, -th
| nasa
| crazy, silly, foolish, drunk, strange, stupid, strange, weird
| nasin
| way, manner, custom, road, path
| ni
| this, that
| nimi
| name
| noka
| leg, foot
| o
| O! (vocative or imperative)
| oko
| eye
| olin e
| to love romantically
| open e
| to open, turn on
| pakala e
| to screw up, botch, ruin, break, hurt, injure, damage, accident
| pali
| life, activity, work, deed, doing, project
| pali e
| to do, make, act, work, function, be alive
| palisa
| rod, stick, long or pointy thing
| pana e
| to give, put, send, place, release, emit
| pi
| of
| pilin
| feelings, heart, emotion
| pimeja
| black, dark, darkness, shadows
| pini
| done, past, ready, end, tip, ago
| pini e
| finish, close, end, turn off
| pipi
| bug, insect, spider
| po
| four
| poka
| side, hip, neighbouring, next to
| poki
| container, box, bowl, cup, glass
| pona
| good, nice, positive, correct, OK, cool, thanks!, simple, sound, right
| sama
| same, similar, seem, equal, like, as
| seli
| fire, hot, warm, cooked
| selo
| outside, surface, skin, shell, bark, shape
| seme
| what, which, wh-
| sewi
| high, up, above, top, superior, over, on, elevated, noble, religious, supernatural
| sijelo
| body, physical, state, health
| sike
| circle, round, sphere, ball, cycle, year, group, community, company
| sin
| new, fresh, another, more
| sina
| you
| sinpin
| front, chest, wall
| sitelen
| picture, image, draw, idea
| sona
| knowledge, science, intelligence, understanding, wisdom, know how to
| soweli
| land mammal, animal
| suli
| big, tall, long, important
| suno
| sun, light
| supa
| horizontal surface, table, chair, etc.
| suwi
| sweet, candy, cute
| tan
| from, by, because of, origin, cause
| taso
| but, only
| tawa
| to go to, move, walk, travel, to, in order to, towards, for, until
| telo
| water, liquid, juice, sauce
| tenpo
| time, period, if, when
| toki
| language, talking, speech, communication
| tomo
| house, room, place, building, constructed space
| tu
| two
| tuli
| three
| unpa e
| have sex with
| uta
| mouth
| utala
| fight, hit, strike, war, battle, compete
| walo
| white
| wan
| one, a, unit, element, particle, part, piece
| waso
| bird, flying animal
| wawa
| strong, energy, hard, fierce, intense, sure
| weka
| away
| wile e
| to want, need, wish, have to, must, will
===English–Toki Pona (5dictionary (March 2002)===
<blockquote> This dictionary is still under construction. Eventually, thousands of English words will appear here.<br>You may also want to cross-check individual meanings in the Toki Pona word list.<ref>From an offline archive of tokipona.org. Retrieved 5 March 2002 10:45:53 (UTC).</ref></blockquote>
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===Word list (7 June 2002)===
<blockquote> This word list is 98% complete. Total 120 words. One or two new minor words may be added later on, however the odds are becoming unlikely.<ref>From an offline archive of tokipona.org. Retrieved 7 June 2002 09:54:56 (UTC).</ref></blockquote>
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Toki Pona Word List
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|+ Toki Pona Word List
! word
Line 866 ⟶ 1,250:
| reptile, amphibian
| ala
| n
| nothingness, negation, zero
Line 1,724 ⟶ 2,108:
| vt
| hit, strike, attack, compete against
|white, light
|white thing/part, whiteness
|one, a, indefitine
|unit, element, particle, part, piece
|bird, flying animal
|energy, strength, power
|strong, hard, fierce, intense, sure
|strengthen, energize, empower, harden
|away, absent
|remove, get rid of, eliminate
|to want, need, wish, have to, must, will
|desire, need
===Word origins (8 August 2002)===
<blockquote> A note on etymologies<br>In most regards, Toki Pona is an ''a priori'' language. Its various words describe concepts that are unique to Toki Pona. Just because a word was taken from another language, for example, does not in any way imply that its meaning matches the meaning of word in the source language.<br>This etymological dictionary was developed for curiosity purposes only. For the actual meanings of Toki Pona words, please consult the official Toki Pona word list.<ref>From an offline archive of tokipona.org. Retrieved 8 August 2002 05:34:11 (UTC).</ref></blockquote>
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===Word list (4 March 2003)===
<blockquote> This word list is 98% complete. Total 119 words. One or two new minor words may be added later on, however the odds are becoming unlikely.<ref>From an offline archive of tokipona.org. Retrieved 4 March 2003 15:30:00 (UTC).</ref></blockquote>
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===English–Toki Pona (3dictionary (October 2003)===
<blockquote>This dictionary is still under construction. Eventually, hundreds of English words will appear here, as I am in the process of adding translations for the most common words.<br>You may also want to cross-check individual meanings in the official Toki Pona word list.<ref>From an offline archive of tokipona.org. Retrieved 3 October 2003 12:24:03 (UTC).</ref></blockquote>
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===Foreign words (24 DececemberDecember 2003)===
<blockquote> Proper nouns refer to specific countries, people, and languages.<br>These do not belong to the core vocabulary of Toki Pona, however they appear as foreign words. They are derived from their native pronunciation, adapted to the phonology of Toki Pona.<br>These lists are still under development. I encourage you to suggest any name changes or additions on our discussion group.<br>For general rules on how to convert a name into Toki Pona, see Tokiponization guidelines<br>Foreign words are always prefixed with an appropriate category word. For example:<ref>From an offline archive of tokipona.org. Retrieved 24 Dececember 2003 03:12:44 (UTC).</ref></blockquote>
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==2007 2005 ==
=== May 2005 (in German) ===
{{Needs work|finish the words, when done, finish the table with sentences, also perhaps reformat it.
<br />
Beenden Sie die Wörter, wenn Sie fertig sind, beenden Sie die Tabelle mit Sätzen und formatieren Sie sie möglicherweise auch neu (sorry for bad German, i used a translator)|table}}<blockquote>Toki Pona ist eine von Sonja Kisa geschaffene Kunstsprache, die den Pidgin-Sprachen nachempfunden ist und mit 121 Wörtern auskommt. Klicken Sie irgendein Wort an, die Bedeutung wird angezeigt, es folgen einige Sätze in Toki Pona mit der deutschen Übersetzung. Jedes unbekannte Wort in den Sätzen kann wieder angeklickt werden, und der Prozeß wiederholt sich.
Eine Zusammenfassung der Grammatik gibt es bei Wikipedia. Auf derselben Seite ganz unten sind auch zwei Textbeispiele in Toki Pona mit Audiodatei zum Anhören. Die Aussprache ist nicht schwer, die Buchstaben entsprechen den deutschen Lautwerten und die Betonung und Länge der Silben ist gleichförmig.
Die Beispielsätze stammen aus der alten Version der offiziellen Toki Pona Seite.
Eigene Beiträge können Sie in den Assoziations-Blaster schreiben. Der Blaster ist ein Netzwerk, in das jeder beliebige Texte eintragen kann, wobei die Worte des Eintrags wieder als Links zu anderen Beiträgen dienen.
Diese Site kann auch offline gelesen werden, indem man eine Linktiefe von "1" mitspeichert.</blockquote>
{| class="wikitable"
|Ah !  Oh ! Ha !
|a a a. ni li musi.
|Hahaha, das ist lustig.
|jan Tomas o a !
|Oh Thomas !
|a ! - akesi li wile moku e mi !
|Ahh! - Das Krokodil will mich fressen !
|a! telo sijelo loje li kama tan nena kute mi!
|Ah! Blut läuft mir aus dem Ohr!
|Reptil, Amphibie, Frosch, Dinosaurier, Monster
|nein, nicht, kein, nichts, Nichts, Verneinung, Null
|alle, alles, jede, jedes, das Gesamte, komplett, ganz
|Boden, unten, unter, unterhalb, niedrig, besiegen, bezwingen
== 2007 ==
===Word list (27 September 2007)===
<blockquote> Total 118 words. Click on a blue word to hear it pronounced. Between italicized brackets ''[ ]'', you will find mnemonics to help remember a word.<ref>From an offline archive of tokipona.org. Retrieved 27 September 2007 17:35:49 (UTC).</ref></blockquote>