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History of the dictionary: Difference between revisions

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{{Other license|ask|the information was extracted from archived versions of tokipona.org}}
{{Needs work|This page is missing the word list found on http://tokipona.net/tp/janpije/about/olddict.html which must have originated between 2002 and 2003}}
{{Imported from|[https://pad.snopyta.org/s/OggBFN-a9 pad.snopyta.org]}}
The earliest versions of toki pona as it was first published on the internet may be lost to time, but this page collects the earliest available word lists to show how the "official" vocabulary has changed before the publication of [[Toki Pona: The Language of Good]].
This page details the history and evolution of the dictionary for Toki Pona over time. The earliest versions of Toki Pona as it was first published on the internet may be lost to time, but this page collects the earliest available word lists to show how the "official" vocabulary has changed before the publication of the book ''[[Toki Pona: The Language of Good]]''.
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| NL
| willen
===Word list (Undated)===
This word list is 95% complete. Total 118 words so far. A few new minor words may be added later on.<ref>[https://web.archive.org/web/20150821134859/http://tokipona.net/tp/janpije/about/olddict.html#s Toki Pona Word List]. ''tokipona.net''. Archived from the original on 21 August 2015. Retrieved 16 November 2023.</ref>
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Word
! Definition
| a
| ah! ha! oh! ooh! aw! (emotion word)
| ala
| no, not, none, negation, zero, un-
| ale
| they, all, everything, anything, complete, whole
| akesi
| non-cute earth animal, reptile, amphibian, etc.
| anpa
| low, bottom, lower, down, under, below, floor
| ante
| different, other, changed, otherwise
| awen
| keep, stay, wait, reside
| e
| (introduces a direct object)
| en
| and
| ijo
| thing, something, stuff, anything
| ike
| bad, evil
| iki
| he, she, it, him, her, his, its
| ilo
| tool, device, machine
| insa
| between, middle, centre, inside, stomach, torso
| jaki
| disgusting, dirty, pollution
| jan
| person, people, human, being, somebody, anybody, one
| jelo
| yellow
| jo e| to have, contain, possess
| kala
| fish, sea creature
| kalama
| sound, noise, voice
| kama
| to come, become, appear, arrive, happen, succeed, manage, then
| kan
| to be/do/go with, accompany, among
| kapa
| hill, mountain, bump, button
| kapesi
| brown, grey
| kasi
| plant, tree, wood
| ken
| can, is able to, is allowed to, may, probable, is possible, maybe, power
| kepeken
| use, with use of
| kili
| fruit, vegetable
| kin
| also, too, even, indeed
| ko
| paste, substance, powder
| kon
| air, wind, smell, atmosphere, mood, spirit, soul
| kule
| colour
| kute e
| listen, hear
| la
| (between adverb of context and subject)
| lape
| rest, sleep
| laso
| blue, green
| lawa
| head, main, lead, mind, brain, opinion, thought
| leko
| block, square object, cube, stairs
| len
| clothing, cloth
| lete
| cold, uncooked
| li
| (separates any subject except mi and sina from its verb)
| lili
| small, little, a bit, short, few, less, young
| linja
| line, family, rope, thread, string, cord, chain
| lipu
| paper, card, ticket, something flat
| lape
| to sleep, rest
| loje
| red
| lon
| to be (located) in/at/on, be there/present/real/true, exist
| luka
| hand, arm, five, overly complicated number or thing
| lukin e
| to see, perceive, look at, watch, watch out, pay attention, visit
| lupa
| hole, loop, window, door, orifice
| ma
| land, earth, country, outdoor area
| mama
| father, mother, parent
| mani
| money, material wealth, treasure, currency, dollar
| meli
| woman, female, girl, wife
| mi
| I, me, my
| mije
| man, male, guy, husband
| moku
| food, meal
| moku e
| to eat, drink, swallow
| moli
| die, death, kill
| monsi
| back, rear end, behind
| mun
| moon
| musi
| to play, have fun
| mute
| many, several, very, much, quantity, amount, a lot, abundant, numerous, more
| nanpa
| number, -th
| nasa
| crazy, silly, foolish, drunk, strange, stupid, strange, weird
| nasin
| way, manner, custom, road, path
| ni
| this, that
| nimi
| name
| noka
| leg, foot
| o
| O! (vocative or imperative)
| oko
| eye
| olin e
| to love romantically
| open e
| to open, turn on
| pakala e
| to screw up, botch, ruin, break, hurt, injure, damage, accident
| pali
| life, activity, work, deed, doing, project
| pali e
| to do, make, act, work, function, be alive
| palisa
| rod, stick, long or pointy thing
| pana e
| to give, put, send, place, release, emit
| pi
| of
| pilin
| feelings, heart, emotion
| pimeja
| black, dark, darkness, shadows
| pini
| done, past, ready, end, tip, ago
| pini e
| finish, close, end, turn off
| pipi
| bug, insect, spider
| po
| four
| poka
| side, hip, neighbouring, next to
| poki
| container, box, bowl, cup, glass
| pona
| good, nice, positive, correct, OK, cool, thanks!, simple, sound, right
| sama
| same, similar, seem, equal, like, as
| seli
| fire, hot, warm, cooked
| selo
| outside, surface, skin, shell, bark, shape
| seme
| what, which, wh-
| sewi
| high, up, above, top, superior, over, on, elevated, noble, religious, supernatural
| sijelo
| body, physical, state, health
| sike
| circle, round, sphere, ball, cycle, year, group, community, company
| sin
| new, fresh, another, more
| sina
| you
| sinpin
| front, chest, wall
| sitelen
| picture, image, draw, idea
| sona
| knowledge, science, intelligence, understanding, wisdom, know how to
| soweli
| land mammal, animal
| suli
| big, tall, long, important
| suno
| sun, light
| supa
| horizontal surface, table, chair, etc.
| suwi
| sweet, candy, cute
| tan
| from, by, because of, origin, cause
| taso
| but, only
| tawa
| to go to, move, walk, travel, to, in order to, towards, for, until
| telo
| water, liquid, juice, sauce
| tenpo
| time, period, if, when
| toki
| language, talking, speech, communication
| tomo
| house, room, place, building, constructed space
| tu
| two
| tuli
| three
| unpa e
| have sex with
| uta
| mouth
| utala
| fight, hit, strike, war, battle, compete
| walo
| white
| wan
| one, a, unit, element, particle, part, piece
| waso
| bird, flying animal
| wawa
| strong, energy, hard, fierce, intense, sure
| weka
| away
| wile e
| to want, need, wish, have to, must, will
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