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In 2017, he endorsed Toki Pona, citing its accessible [[Phonology|pronunciation]] and [[grammar]], and the logic of creating simple [[noun]] phrases.<ref>Halley, Mitch (jan Misali) (23 February 2017). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLn6LC1RpAo Conlang Critic Episode Twelve: Toki Pona]. [https://web.archive.org/web/20230909055753/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLn6LC1RpAo Archived] from the original on 9 September 2023. ''YouTube''. Retrieved 2 October 2023.</ref> {{tok|Misali}} reviewed Toki Pona as if it were an [[international auxiliary language]] to highlight its comparative simplicity. Their only point of criticism was the lacking [[number]] system. Throughout ''Conlang Critic'', Toki Pona maintained its rank as the best "interlang" until the ranking system was abandoned.
====New radio shows?====
A comment thread on the ''Conlang Critic'' review, started by {{w|Esperantist}} Anthony McCarthy, has become a popular inside joke in the [[Toki Pona community]]. It is used self-deprecatingly, as well as to poke fun at critics of Toki Pona who are taken to have insufficient knowledge of it. Notable excerpts include:<ref>{{cite web|url=//docs.google.com/document/d/1gydz9SUSkAzt0dnhgK8I_NSycrNTjPDKWJ8-aSpGhLU|title=New radio shows? transcript|author=Anthony McCarthy (commenter), {{tok|jan Misali}} (commenter and compiler), ''et al.''|username=|date=2020-11-20|website=Google Docs|publisher=|access-date=2023-12-27|quote=}}</ref>
'''Anthony McCarthy'''
You have got to be about the most superficial commentator on con-langues since the idiotic B. Gilson.
Did I miss the one where you said which conlang you're fluent in and read at least three times a week and can read new books in every week of even one year or listen to radio shows in every week? &ZeroWidthSpace; &ZeroWidthSpace; New radio shows?
'''{{tok|jan Misali}}'''
New radio shows?
'''Anthony McCarthy'''
Yeah, I'm surprised you don't know that there are radio shows put out in Esperanto every week. &ZeroWidthSpace; I thought you were supposed to be an expert.
And, which of the conlangs are you fluent in?
'''{{tok|jan Misali}}'''
I was born in 1998 so I don't know what a radio is sorry
'''Anthony McCarthy'''
I suppose you think that's cute. &ZeroWidthSpace; What it makes you is a fraud.
'''{{tok|jan Misali}}'''
yeah but I'm a cute fraud though right?
'''Anthony McCarthy'''
<div>{{tok|toki pono}} or whatever it is? &ZeroWidthSpace; &ZeroWidthSpace; Give me a break. &ZeroWidthSpace; &ZeroWidthSpace; Show me the bibliography. &ZeroWidthSpace; Show me the speaking language community, show me the technical literature written or translated into it, show me the literature from many countries translated into it. &ZeroWidthSpace; &ZeroWidthSpace; &ZeroWidthSpace; I wonder, since its inspiration is supposed to be Taoism if they've translated any of the literature of Taoism into it.</div>
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