nimi sin tan jan Sowi


Photograph of a tardigrade, a chubby eight legged microorganism.
Pronunciation /ˈmi.ko/
Usage 2023: N/A  This word has not been surveyed for. Most speakers likely don't understand it.
Book and era No book
Part of speech Content word

miko is a content word relating to simple living things, including cells or microorganisms. miko also refers to eggs, as they're often made up of a single cell. The word was coined by jan Sowi on 3/6/24.

mi moku e [seme] waso

mi moku e miko waso

I ate bird eggs

The sitelen pona glyph for miko is a symbol of both an egg and an animal cell. A possible alt glyph depicts a tardigrade (placeholder).

miko can be used alongside animal words, kasi , and soko to describe taxonomic kingdoms, allowing every species to be described roughly taxonomically.