sona pona:Guide

From sona pona, the Toki Pona wiki
Revision as of 07:03, 8 August 2023 by Menasewi (talk | contribs)


Be messy

An unfinished or messy page is infinitely better than no page at all. Even if you never come back to it, someone else surely will. Heck, this very guide started as barely more than an outline!


In addition to standard MediaWiki formatting, note the following.


Mark emphasized text with <em>emphasized text</em>.

Mark Toki Pona text with Template:tp. For other languages, see the next section.

{{tp|mu}} outputs mu.

For other uses, like the titles of longform works, you can use ''italic text''.


Mark the language of non-English text with Template:lang.

This lets technologies like screen readers treat the text according to its language (see ISO 639-3).
{{lang|fr|''je parle bien''}} outputs je parle bien. Hover to see the language name.
Mark unitalicized Toki Pona text with Template:tok.
Italics usually help the reader distinguish between English and Toki Pona text. However, they may be unwanted for names loaned from Toki Pona, or for toki pona taso pages.
{{tp|tok}} outputs tok.


Mark a page title as italic or Toki Pona text using Template:Italic title, Template:tp title, or Template:tok title according to the guidance above.

sitelen pona

Display sitelen Lasina or UCSUR codepoints as sitelen pona with Template:sp.

{{sp|mu}} outputs mu. Hover or press to see the sitelen Lasina input.