
Core Toki Pona preposition
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tan is a core preposition and content word relating to the origin, cause, or reason of something.

tan in sitelen pona
tan in sitelen sitelen
Pronunciation /tan/
Usage 2023: Core (99% → )2022: Core (99%)
Book and era nimi pu
Part of speech Preposition, content word
Codepoint 󱥧 U+F1967


The etymology of the word tan is uncertain.[1] Proposals include: Cantonese (Jyutping: cung4), "to follow; from";[2] Georgian -დან -dan from; out of; since";[3] and Dutch dan "then; after that; in that case."[4]

Semantic space

The semantic space of tan includes the source, origin, cause, or reason for something,


As a preposition, tan is translated as "because (of)", "by", and "from". Some speakers chiefly use tan as a preposition and not a content word.[citation needed]

mi tan ma [kasi alasa nasin awen telo a].

mi tan ma Kanata.

I'm from Canada.

kasi suli li ken kama tan kili lili 

kasi suli li ken kama tan kili lili.

A big plant can come from a small fruit.

ni li tan seme?

ni li tan seme?

Where is this from? (lit. this is from what?)
Why is that? (lit. this is because of what?)

mi pana e ijo pona tan ni> : mi olin e sina.

mi pana e ijo pona tan ni: mi olin e sina.

I gave something nice because you're dear to me.


In the "Official Toki Pona Dictionary" section, the book Toki Pona: The Language of Good defines tan as:

PREPOSITION  by, from, because of


For Toki Pona Dictionary, respondents in ma pona pi toki pona translated these English words as tan:

from5, reason5, because of4, by4, source4, behalf of2, basis2, origin2, motive2, cause2, purpose2, per2, since2, factor2, incentive2

sitelen pona

The sitelen pona glyph for tan represents a curved arrow pointing backwards, pointing towards the origin.

  1. It is not in Sonja Lang, "Word Origins" (c. 2002) https://archive.ph/i4Psx
  2. Moniz, C. Ryan. Nimi Ale Pona. 1st ed., 26 Jul 2019,https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/10hP3kR7mFN0E6xW3U6fZyDf7xKEEvxssM96qLq4E0ms/mobilebasic gives this origin, which is repeated in the second edition and in lipu linku. Compare https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E5%BE%9E#Chinese
  3. jan Pita Janseke, "Toki Pona Root Word Etymology Page" (2020) https://medium.com/@jansegers/toki-pona-root-word-etymology-page-f0a203954da. Compare https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=-%E1%83%93%E1%83%90%E1%83%9C
  4. jan Pilipe, "Re: Whence these words?" (2015) http://forums.tokipona.org/viewtopic.php?t=2430. jan Kipo thought it seemed likely. Compare https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/dan#Dutch