Lint errors: Obsolete HTML tags

Page title Obsolete HTML tag Through a template?
pin't (edit | history) center Template:Figure
Template:Space side (edit | history) center
Template:Spatial words (edit | history) center Template:Sidebar
poka (edit | history) center Template:Spatial words
insa (edit | history) center Template:Spatial words
sinpin (edit | history) center Template:Spatial words
lon (edit | history) center Template:Spatial words
Colors (edit | history) center Template:Colors
ete (edit | history) center Template:Spatial words
Spatial words (edit | history) center Template:Spatial words
anpa (edit | history) center Template:Spatial words
Template:Tones (edit | history) center
Template:Hues (edit | history) center
Template:Color list (edit | history) center Template:Tones
Template:Color list (edit | history) center Template:Hues
Template:Colors (edit | history) center Template:Sidebar
laso (edit | history) center Template:Colors
walo (edit | history) center Template:Colors
pimeja (edit | history) center Template:Colors
Template:Space front (edit | history) center
Template:Space side (edit | history) center
jelo (edit | history) center Template:Colors
kule (edit | history) center Template:Colors
noka vs. anpa (edit | history) center Template:Spatial words
monsi (edit | history) center Template:Spatial words
sewi (edit | history) center Template:Spatial words
Nonstandard color words (edit | history) center Template:Colors
Left and right (edit | history) center Template:Spatial words
Phrases and clauses (edit | history) center Template:Figure
loje (edit | history) center Template:Colors
Source:Toki Pona Dictionary/Notes on lipu pu (edit | history) center
User:Jan Pensa/tuki puna (view source | history) center Output not from a single template