
Core Toki Pona content word
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kili is a content word relating to the edible parts of plants, such as fruits and vegatables, as well as mushrooms.

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Pronunciation /ˈ
Usage 2023: Core (99% → )2022: Core (99%)
Book and era nimi pu
Part of speech Content word
Codepoint 󱤚 U+F191A


The word kili is derived from Georgian xili (ხილი), meaning "fruit".

Semantic space

The semantic space of kili includes any edible part of a plant, be it fresh, fermented or preserved.[1] It also includes mushrooms, either edible or inedible. In a figurative sense, kili is also used for offspring. For example, a child (a descendant of any age) may be referred to as jan kili.


In the "Official Toki Pona Dictionary" section, the book Toki Pona: The Language of Good defines kili as:

NOUN  fruit, vegetable, mushroom


  1. lipamanka. kili. In toki pona dictionary. lipamanka's website.