
Core Toki Pona preposition
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lon is a core preposition and content word to do with presence, being in, and truth.

lon in sitelen pona
lon in sitelen sitelen
Pronunciation /lon/
Usage 2023: Core (100% → )2022: Core (100%)
Book and era nimi pu
Part of speech Preposition, content word
Codepoint 󱤬 U+F192C


Tok Pisin long ‘at, in, on, (spacial particle)’ ← English along.[1][2]


As a content word, lon refers to truth, being, and awareness.

jan ale o kama sona e lon ona 

jan ale o kama sona e lon ona.[3]

Everyone should learn their own truth.


As a preposition, lon indicates that the subject is in, on, or about the object.

mi open lon nimi sewi 

mi open lon nimi sewi.

I begin with the name of the Divine.


akesi li wile lon nena 

akesi li wile lon nena.[5]

The lizard wants to be on the hill.

lon is often used with a spatial noun to indicate location.

jan ala li lon poka ona 

jan ala li lon poka ona.[6]

Li estas tute sola.
There is nobody next to him.

Here, poka is a noun referring to his side: nobody is at or by his side.
