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A pangram is one or multiple sentences where each glyph in a language occurs at least once. A perfect pangram is when each glyph occurs exactly once. However, this is not possible in Toki Pona due to its syllable structure requiring a vowel for almost every consonant (and the language having more consonants than vowels). This page marks the shortest possible ones instead.

Pangrams with merged nasal[edit | edit source]

Some pangrams treat the coda nasal (as in pan) as identical to the onset n (as in n). Others consider them separate and are thus more useful as examples for scripts where those are written differently. The minimum number of characters is 17, as each consonant except n needs a vowel after it.

  • "jan pi moku telo waso" by akesi kon Nalasuni[1][2]
  • "jelo pi monsuta weka" by inari
  • "kapesi li mu jo tu wan" by kapesi Pake[3]
  • "kute pi jan musi walo" by leko soko Wijapipapa
  • "mi jan pi ko telo suwi" by jan Kapo[4]
  • "mi pu jaki tan soweli" by akesi kon Nalasuni[5][2]
  • "mi pu tan sijelo weka" by akesi kon Nalasuni[6]
  • "musi jo li tenpo weka" by akesi kon Nalasuni[7][2]
  • "weka jo la mi pu sin tu" by jan Wimili[8]
  • "weka musi li jo tenpo" by akesi kon Nalasuni[7]
  • "kama suwi li jo e tenpo" (18 letters) by jan Jakopo[9]
  • "waso tu mi li ken pimeja" (19 letters) by jan Misali
  • "mi kijetesantakalu powe" (21 letters) by jan Pensa[10]
  • "akesi wan li moku e jan tenpo" (23 letters) by jan Jakopo[9]
  • "ale li jo e kon suli pi mute wan" (24 letters) by kapesi Pake[11]
  • "sina toki mute tawa kala loje pona" (28 letters) by jan Kaje[12]

Pangrams with unmerged nasal[edit | edit source]

The minimum is 19 due to n needing to appear at the start too.

  • "jo weka pu li nimi tonsi" by soweli nata[13]
  • "kiwen pimeja tu li suno" by CyclicTree[14]
  • "jan kala li pona mute e waso" (22 letters) by jan Jakopo[9]
  • "jan li pana e moku tawa sina" (22 letters) by jan Jakopo[9]
  • "tenpo kama la, sina wile jo e tu" (24 letters) by jan Jakopo[9]
  • "sina toki mute tawa kala loje pona" (28 letters) by jan Kaje[12]
  • "kijetesantakalu pona li mu wawa" (29 letters) by jan Pensa[15]
  • "nimi suwi ni li jo e sitelen ale li ike ala" (33 letters) by kili Tesa[16]

Word pangrams[edit | edit source]

"telo oko li ken ante e pilin", a word pangram, rendered in sitelen pona. It contains 242 words in total, with 124 unique words.
  • "lipu musi lili nasa pi nimi ali" (151 words) by kapesi Pake[17]
  • "telo oko li ken ante e pilin" (242 words) by jan Ke Tami[18] (Rendition in sitelen pona)
  • "lipu Jesu" (331 words) by kulupu Kela.[19][20] Features all pu words except pu, nanpa, unpa and features some non-pu words, written in sitelen sitelen an original script[a]
  • lupa ali (392 words) by kapesi Pake[21]
  • "A Monologue to learn Toki Pona" (454 words) by Anne[22] (Rendition in sitelen pona). Short story featuring all pu words (plus kin).
  • Untitled (574 words).[23] Features all nimi ku suli.

Songs[edit | edit source]

Syllable pangrams[edit | edit source]

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A syllable pangram is a sentence using every syllable at least once. Because some syllables are never featured in Toki Pona words, it would be required to either use names, to reduce the syllables to only the ones that are found in Toki Pona words, or to use very obscure nimi sin.

Other[edit | edit source]

  • "akesi en ilo jelo kasi li musi ni olin pona sin tawa utala waso" by waso pimeja pi kulupu kasi[24] (Rendition in sitelen pona). This sentence has a word starting with each phoneme, made for demonstrating sitelen pona cartouches.
  • The reduced alphabet with 6 letters shared by sitelen musi and linja pi kute mute has a minimum pangram length of 6 letters plus one whitespace, with 28 possible 2-word-combinations with pu words.
  • "taso soweli kin li weka la sina en mi o sona e wawa pi tawa ona a sama lipu lon tenpo ale tan wile kepeken pali tawa awen" by jan Ke Tami[25] (CC0)[26]. This sentence features every particle.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Chosen by jan Sonja as the winner of a competition for word pangrams.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. akesi kon Nalasuni [@nalathnidragon]. (14 June 2020). [Message posted in the #toki-pona channel in the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server]. Discord. Retrieved 1 December 2023.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 akesi kon Nalasuni [u/NathanMcCoy]. (15 June 2020). "Some minimal pangrams". Reddit. Retrieved 1 December 2023.
  3. kapesi Pake. "Here’s another: kapesi li mu jo tu wan". Reddit. Archived from the original on 14 October 2022. Retrieved 1 December 2023.
  4. jan Kapo [@.kvk]. (18 September 2019). [Message posted in the #toki-pona channel in the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server]. Discord.
  5. akesi kon Nalasuni [@nalathnidragon]. (14 June 2020). [Message posted in the #toki-pona channel in the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server]. Discord. Retrieved 1 December 2023.
  6. akesi kon Nalasuni [@nalathnidragon]. (14 June 2020). [Message posted in the #toki-pona channel in the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server]. Discord. Retrieved 1 December 2023.
  7. 7.0 7.1 akesi kon Nalasuni [@nalathnidragon]. (14 June 2020). [Message posted in the #toki-pona channel in the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server]. Discord. Retrieved 1 December 2023.
  8. jan Wimili [u/jeffyisagoodbird]. (1 November 2019). "Dose anyone know about a toki pona pangram (like the quick brown fox)". Reddit. Retrieved 1 December 2023.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 jan Jakopo. "lipu pi toki pona pi jan Jakopo". Retrieved 1 December 2023.
  10. jan Pensa [@jpensa]. (25 August 2021). [Message posted in the #pali-musi channel in the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server]. Discord. Retrieved 1 December 2023.
  11. kapesi Pake. "Pangrams in toki pona". Reddit. Retrieved 1 December 2023. "If we only have to use each letter at least once, it’s pretty easy. ale li jo e kon suli pi mute wan, just off the top of my head.".
  12. 12.0 12.1 jan Kaje [@jankaje]. (18 September 2019). [Message posted in the #toki-pona channel in the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server]. Discord. Retrieved 1 December 2023.
  13. soweli nata []. (5 September 2021). [Message posted in the #toki-pona channel in the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server]. Discord. Retrieved 1 December 2023.
  14. CyclicTree [@cyclic_tree]. (23 December 2021). [Message posted in the #jaki channel in the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server]. Discord. Retrieved 1 December 2023.
  15. jan Pensa [@jpensa]. (25 August 2021). [Message posted in the #pali-musi channel in the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server]. Discord. Retrieved 1 December 2023.
  16. kili Tesa [@jezzzzzzzzzz]. (21 February 2019). [Message posted in the #pali-musi channel in the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server]. Discord. Retrieved 1 December 2023.
  17. kapesi Pake. "lipu musi lili nasa pi nimi ali". Google Docs.
  18. jan Ke Tami (17 October 2022). "lipu musi lili nasa pi nimi ali". In lipu tenpo nanpa kulupu (in Toki Pona). lipu tenpo. p. 15.
  19. kulupu Kela. (9 January 2022). "toki pona pangram". abi du coeur [@2b-coeur]. YouTube. Retrieved 1 December 2023.
  20. kulupu Kela. "toki pona pangram". Google Docs. Retrieved 1 December 2023.
  21. jan Kapesi Pake (10 March 2022). "lupa ali". In lipu tenpo nanpa nimi (in Toki Pona). lipu tenpo. p. 10.
  22. Anne. "A Monologue to learn Toki Pona". Retrieved 1 December 2023.
  23. forthentwice [u/forthentwice]. (16 September 2022). "text with all words". Reddit. Retrieved 1 December 2023.
  24. waso pimeja pi kulupu kasi [@kulupu_kasi]. (4 January 2022). [Message posted in the #toki-pona-kin channel in the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server]. Discord. Retrieved 1 December 2023.
  25. jan Ke Tami [@retsamys]. (18 November 2022). [Message posted in the #toki-pona channel in the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server]. Discord. Retrieved 1 December 2023.
  26. jan Ke Tami [@retsamys]. (18 November 2022). [Message posted in the #toki-pona channel in the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server]. Discord. Retrieved 1 December 2023. "it's editable for anyone, so if you want to add it, I release my sentence into the public domain 😛".