
From sona pona, the Toki Pona wiki

This is a list of books (and book-sized pieces of literature) written in Toki Pona. The official books by jan Sonja, mainly written in other languages, are Toki Pona: The Language of Good (2014) and Toki Pona Dictionary (2021).


Original works


Books by Aaron Fingtam

The following books were written by Arron Fingtam, translated by jan Ne, and narrated by jan Po.

  • Toki Pona Stories: akesi seli lili
A story about a dragon, told 3 times in different difficulty levels.
PDF, paperback (Amazon)
  • Toki Pona Stories: meli olin moli
A story about a zombie girlfriend, told 3 times in different difficulty levels.
PDF, paperback (Amazon)
  • Toki Pona Stories: kon jan lon tomo
A story about a haunted house, told 3 times in different difficulty levels.
PDF, paperback (Amazon)
  • Toki Pona - English Micro Stories for beginners and intermediate learners
A book of one-page stories. The paperback version also includes the English version of each text.
Google Docs, paperback (Amazon)

Picture books



