Where is Toki Pona used?

From sona pona, the Toki Pona wiki
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Where is Toki Pona practically used? What can you do with Toki Pona? This page was intended for supplementary use with the ISO-code application. Following the 2007 and 2017 rejected requests, the reason of the latter being that "Toki Pona does not appear to be used in a variety of domains nor for communication within a community which includes all ages," we hope Toki Pona will be recognized and assigned an ISO-code [tok]. As of today, the extent of the page has grown and it can thus be used as a resource of various Toki Pona related activities. Since the 20th of January 2022 Toki Pona actually got assigned the language code "tok".

When adding a new link, please archive it via both Wayback Machine and archive.today.

To see the history of Toki Pona, visit this page.

Media[edit | edit source]

News coverage[edit | edit source]

In English[edit | edit source]

In other languages[edit | edit source]

  • 20 Minuten another link 2007, Le toki pona est la nouvelle langue à la mode sur le net [in French]
  • Unidivers (in French)
  • Ulyces (in French) Peut-on tout dire avec la langue la plus concise du monde? [Can we say everything in the most concise language in the world? Translated from The Atlantic (2015) above]
  • L'Obs (in French) [reprinted from Ulyces above]
  • Medium 2017, toki pona, “le langage du bien” [in French]
  • Medium 2018, aUI 2 Toki Pona [in French]
  • Das Übersehene im Offensichtlichen, Der Tagesspiegel; 2020 (in German) [TP only mentioned]
  • El Confidencial 2020, El idioma de 120 palabras que "te hace feliz", explicado por la única española que lo habla [The 120-word language that "makes you happy", explained by the only Spanish who speaks it] (in Spanish)
  • Der Tagesspiegel 2020 (in German)
  • Sasapost (in Arabic)
  • BelPressa 2019 (in Russian)
  • Focus (in Russian)
  • Linguis (in Russian)
  • Geektimes (in Russian)
  • Naukablog (in Russian)
  • naszemiasto.pl 2019, Tomasz Smoczyk z Leszna mówi 15 językami. Zna nawet język toki pona [ZDJĘCIA] (Tomasz Smoczyk from Leszno speaks 15 languages. He even knows Toki Pona [Photos]. In Polish). Karolina Bodzińska
  • Uczmysiejezykow (in Polish)
  • Nyelv és Tudomány (in Hungarian)

Interviews, podcasts with Sonja Lang[edit | edit source]

  • 3-60 Radio-Canada, Première Chaîne (Atlantique) (2007, 8 minutes, interview by Denis Robichaud, transcript translated to English by Sonja herself.)
  • Actual Fluency Podcast (2014, AFP 20 – Sonja Lang: Toki Pona, Conlanging and the meaning of life, 45 minutes, interviewed by Kris Broholm)
  • Allusionist (2015, Allusionist 25: Toki Pona, 20 minutes, interviewed by Helen Zaltzman)
  • And Sometimes Y Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, CBC Radio One. (2007, interviewed by Jane Farrow)
  • Le Réveil Radio-Canada, Première Chaîne (Atlantique) (2007, 13 minutes, interviewed by Michel Doucet, transcript translated to English by Sonja herself.)
  • Podcast Quadrivium Radio Québec Science (2017, Tout dire avec 120 mots, 7 minutes, Sylvain Lumbroso, Jean-Yves Ginchereau and Marion Vignal)
  • Skylarking, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, CBC Radio Two. (2008, interviewed by André Alexis)
  • Sounds Like Canada Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, CBC Radio One. (2007, 20 minutes, interviewed by Kevin Sylvester,)

Podcasts not featuring Sonja Lang[edit | edit source]

Books, magazines[edit | edit source]

Television[edit | edit source]

Videos[edit | edit source]

Websites[edit | edit source]

Video Games[edit | edit source]

Academia[edit | edit source]

Academic articles, papers[edit | edit source]

Conventions and gatherings[edit | edit source]

  • LingvaFest' (polyglot festival in Bratislava, Slovakia; Toki Pona splash courses)
  • The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (Toki Pona splash courses)
    • 2002 by Jacob Schwartz
    • 2003 by Jacob Schwartz
    • 2004 by Jacob Schwartz
    • 2006 by Jacob Schwartz
    • 2007 by Jacob Schwartz
    • 2008 by Leonid Chindelevitch
    • 2009 by Leonid Chindelevitch
    • 2012 by Chelsea Voss
  • kama sona pi toki pona lon ma Elopa (2015, 9 people from 5 countries met in the Czech Republic to enjoy studying and using the Toki Pona language together; video of a lecure about Czech history)
  • TokiPonathon, another link (2014, Actual Fluency meetup, 17 people tried to learn Toki Pona in 48 hours)
  • Summer Esperanto-School
    • 2013, Toki Pona course
  • Yale University (splash course about conlangs including Toki Pona)
  • Stanford University (Toki Pona splash courses)
    • 2010 by Seth Schoen, 1 participant
    • 2011 by Seth Schoen, 3 participants
  • Princeton University (Toki Pona splash courses)
    • 2018 by Holden Lee, 20 participants
    • 2019 by Holden Lee, 23 participants
  • University of Geneva (Toki Pona seminar-course)
    • 2020 by Stéphane Borel
  • International Youth Congress of Esperanto (IJK 2006, Sarajevo)
  • to a lesser degree Toki Pona is used in countless Esperanto meetings
  • workshop in Poland (2018/10/28)
  • Meetup in Dallas 2019/11/23, 11 participants? including Sonja; documentary from the meetup

Materials[edit | edit source]

Toki Pona: The Language of Good[edit | edit source]

  • see Media–Books above

Dictionaries, wordlists[edit | edit source]

Grammar[edit | edit source]

Lessons[edit | edit source]

Video lessons[edit | edit source]

Non-English lessons[edit | edit source]

Literature[edit | edit source]

Useful phrases[edit | edit source]

Videos and music[edit | edit source]

Software[edit | edit source]

Social Media, Chat rooms, and Forums[edit | edit source]

Facebook[edit | edit source]

  • Facebook group (toki pona) 4700+ members (July 2020; very active, posts from everyday life, posts concerning linguistic points of toki pona)
  • Facebook group (toki pona taso) 700+ members (July 2019; Toki Pona only, no English, very active, various posts from everyday life)
  • Facebook group (Learn Toki Pona) 1200+ members (July 2019)
  • Facebook group (Learn Useless Toki Pona) ~400 members (February 2020)
  • Facebook group (toki pona pi ma tomo Perlin - Berlin toki pona group) - 25 members (February 2020)
  • Facebook group (Toki Pona Türkiye - Turkish toki pona group)
  • Facebook group (Toki Pona Learner's Club)
  • Facebook group (sitelen Meme - meme group)

Reddit[edit | edit source]

Telegram[edit | edit source]

Twitter[edit | edit source]

Discord[edit | edit source]

Other[edit | edit source]

Personal websites and blogs[edit | edit source]

Websites and blogs about Toki Pona[edit | edit source]

Articles about Toki Pona on non-TP related websites and blogs[edit | edit source]

  • sekadar semangka 2020. Sejarah Toki Pona (The History of Toki Pona in Indonesian)

Medium articles[edit | edit source]

  • Medium 2015, July 23, 2015: Can a language survive with just 123 words?
  • Medium 2017, Let's talk about Abstractions
  • Medium 2017, The Littlest Language: What you speak is what you think. Or is it the other way round?
  • Medium 2017, Everything Changes in Time
  • Medium 2019, September 25, Top Dead and Constructed Languages to Learn

Websites and blogs completely in Toki Pona[edit | edit source]

Websites and apps with a Toki Pona interface[edit | edit source]

Many other sites could have been here, but people refuse Toki Pona solely based on not having a language code.

  • Amikumu - an app for finding people nearby who speak the same language, with a focus on small and minority languages
    • Ages and Locations of TP speakers on Amikumu (February 2018)
    • Toki Pona is the 15th most spoken language there (July 2020, 610 speakers – 364 beginners, 160 intermediate, 79 advanced, 7 native)
  • Lichess - a site for playing chess with other people online
  • Wikipesija (partial Toki Pona interface) - a wiki-based encyclopedia in Toki Pona on many topics
  • DuckDuckGo has a TP interface translation.
  • Classic games in Toki Pona (including Zelda, Super Mario, Batman, Jaws)

Apps on Google Play[edit | edit source]

Apps on App Store[edit | edit source]

Toki Pona tools[edit | edit source]

Dictionaries, translators[edit | edit source]

Script or voice renderers[edit | edit source]

Other tools[edit | edit source]

Toki Pona original content[edit | edit source]

Writing systems[edit | edit source]

Spin-off languages or unrecognized dialects[edit | edit source]

Sign languages (manually coded Toki Pona)[edit | edit source]