
From sona pona, the Toki Pona wiki
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Pronunciation /ˈ
Usage 2023: Obscure (2% ↘︎ )Caution: Most speakers don't understand this word.2022: Obscure (3%)This word is deprecated.
Book and era nimi ku lili (post-pu)
Part of speech Content word

peto is an obscure deprecated[citation needed] content word relating to crying and sadness.


The word peto is an initialism of a Toki Pona sentence fragment, pana e telo (tan) oko, literally meaning "to emit liquid of (or from) the eye".

Semantic space

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The semantic space of peto includes crying, tears, and sadness.[1] That is, it primarily refers to emotional tears, but can presumably also describe reflex tears.


For Toki Pona Dictionary, respondents in ma pona pi toki pona translated these English words as peto:[2]


sitelen pona

The sitelen pona glyph for peto (peto) depicts a teardrop.


  1. Moniz, C. Ryan (jan inwin); van der Meulen, Spencer H. (jan Pensa); lipamanka. (8 October 2020). "nimi ale pona (2nd ed.)". Google Docs.
  2. Lang, Sonja. (18 July 2021). Toki Pona Dictionary. Illustrated by Vacon Sartirani. Tawhid. ISBN 978-0978292362.

Further reading