Synonyms are words with the same meaning. They are the opposite of antonyms.

pu "synonyms"

pu lists the following 3 words as "synonyms", not counted among the 120 nimi pu:

Word Definition in practice "Synonym" Merged definition
kin also a emphasis marker
namako spice, extra sin new, extra
oko eye lukin see, eye, (pre-verb) try

Those words have been in use before and since the publication of pu, but with different meanings from their supposed relatives. Calling them "synonyms" was a deliberate attempt to merge them.[1] ku acknowledges that the words have retained their separate meanings among those who use them.


ali is generally considered a pronunciation variant of ale, rather than a separate, synonymous word.



Some nimisin happen to be coined with the same meaning:

  • cross: aka, eki, natu
  • dream: jume, oni
  • 3: san, tuli