Writing systems

From sona pona, the Toki Pona wiki
Revision as of 02:27, 16 December 2023 by Menasewi (talk | contribs)

This is a non-exhaustive list of the writing systems created for Toki Pona.

The Latin script (sitelen Lasina), sitelen pona by jan Sonja, and sitelen sitelen by Jonathan Gabel are the three writing systems featured in Toki Pona: The Language of Good. They are also the best known and most widely understood. However, tinkerers often invent other writing systems for personal or aesthetic expression, data compression, compatibility with other natural-language writing systems, neographic experiments with the limited vocabulary, or just for fun.

Types of writing systems

  • Abjad: Only consonants are written; the reader must infer vowels. (Impure abjads may have optional vowel diacritics or a limited number of vowel glyphs.)
  • Abugida: Each symbol is a consonant with secondary vowel notation.
  • Alphabet: Consonants and vowels are written separately. sitelen Lasina and the IPA are examples of alphabets.
  • Logography: Each symbol is a word. sitelen pona and the word glyphs of sitelen sitelen are examples of logographies.
  • Syllabary: Each symbol is a syllable or mora. The syllable glyphs of sitelen sitelen are an example of a syllabary.

List of writing systems

Name Creator Type Description Text sample
sitelen Lasina Alphabet Latin script, broadly identical to the International Phonetic Alphabet jan li pana e moku tawa sina.
sitelen pona jan Sonja Logography, sitelenponido jan li pana e moku tawa sina
sitelen sitelen or sitelen suwi Jonathan Gabel Logography with alphasyllabary
sitelen lili lili ilo Tani Alphabet Featural alphabet; characters are based on how they are articulated in the mouth thumb
sitelen Enli or sitelen pi toki pona Henrik Theiling Logography Toki Pona words represented by Unicode symbols ⵅ ↴ ✉ ↱ ☕ ⇥ ⇈
sitelen jaki kulupu pi wawa unu Logography Lacks support for gender, color and numbers
sitelen Kansi Logography, Chinese characters Multiple adaptations of Chinese characters 人为发向食于尔
Transliteration scheme into Chinese Logography, Chinese characters Decided by a vote in the Chinese Toki Pona community on Tencent QQ. Most people primarily write Toki Pona using Latin script. 人兮出[a]予乎食向尔
sitelen ko Logography Cuneiform style script
sitelen kule jan Mena Logography Assigns a colour to each word, with a sorting and color names based on jan Misali's proposed names for colours. Names are indicated by a toggle "white". Sentences are indicated by line breaks or a double "white".
sitelen Lasina majuna Alphabet IAN LI PANA E MOCV TAVA SINA
sitelen mun jan Jonatan Logography Based on Gallifreyan
sitelen Nelan Logography
sitelen Nosu jan Lane Logography ꊿꆹꁵꀔꋠꁧꆏ
sitelen palisa jan ilo Katapin Logography A 14-segment logography for Toki Pona
sitelen Emosi Logography, emoji
sitelen pilin Logography, emoji * Website 👤▶️📤⏩🍽️↪️👉
sitelen jelo waso Keli Logography, emoji 🧑▶️🙌⏩🍜🛫👆
sitelen akesi ilo Eko, with contributions from jan Sonja, jan Tepo Logography, sitelenponido An adaptation of sitelen pona in ASCII (which sounds a lot like akesi) ,O, > “n’ >> DC /\_ b
sitelen pona Juniko Logography, sitelenponido Various attempts at representing sitelen pona with Unicode symbols
sitelen Asuki jan pi nimi ala Logography, sitelenponido A larger-scale ASCII adaptation of sitelen pona
 .-.   \   \ | /  \\    \__/    /|   |      
|   |   \    __    \\    __    / |   |---.  
'._.'   /   /  |   //   /  |  /  |   |   |  
 / \   /   V   |  //   V   |  \  |_   '-'   
sitelen luka jan Kaja Logography, sitelenponido sitelen pona adapted to be faster for handwriting
sitelen pipi Plum of the Palette system Logography, sitelenponido A combination of Toki Pona and Hollow Night's writing aesthetics
sitelen pipi ante kulupu kule Logography, sitelenponido A freeform writing system based on sitelen pipi
sitelen pona pona Logography, sitelenponido

Adaptation of sitelen pona and font with the following stated goals:

  • remove redundant information from glyphs
  • use a consistent shape inventory
  • fit glyphs onto a baseline, descending or ascending when appropriate
  • make glyphs easy to differentiate at small sizes
  • align with standard Latin punctuation and text (can be used inline)

sitelen telo Momo Logography, sitelenponido Very stylised sitelen pona, as a font
sitelen Antowi jan Jeli Logography, sitelenponido Material design version of sitelen pona, as a font
sitelen lili jan Kokan Ato Logography, sitelenponido Alternate "streamlined" design of sitelen pona, as a font
sitelen pona Sonko jan Ose Logography, sitelenponido Chinese seal script inspired sitelen pona
sitelen Precomposed Vowel Characters Logography Each word is exactly 1 Unicode character ĩâởeÀǘỠ
sitelen telo Logography Japanese aesthetic
sitelen Tewa jan Tewa Logography Intended for handwriting. Mixes logography and alphabet use of characters depending on diacritics.
toki pona lili jan Wija Logography Each word is 2 characters long. JnLiPnEeMkTwSi
sitelen Aki Syllabary Each syllable is represented by a single ASCII character. j l bn e Oq Tw sn
sitelen Ilakana Syllabary, sitelen Ilakana Adaptations of Hiragana for Toki Pona やん り ぱな え もく たわ しな
sitelen Diacritics Abugida
User:.hecko/sitelen Elijan Abugida
sitelen Kanujapa Abugida Adaptation of Canadian Aboriginal syllabics for Toki Pona ᔭᓐ ᓕ ᐸᓇ ᐁ ᒧᑰ ᑕᕙ ᓯᓇ // ᔭᓐ ᓕ ᐸᓇ ᐄ ᒨᑯ ᑕᕙ ᓯᓇ
sitelen lape jan Ali Abugida Syllables derived from sitelen pona
sitelen lili sin Abugida
sitelen Tawi Abugida Adaptation of Thai script ยันลิปะนะเอะโมะกุตะวะซินะ
aborlan/tagbanwa orthography Abugida an abugida script with three vowels (the a is implied). By nja Emikilikity ᜶ᝬᝨ ᝮᝲ ᝩᝨ ᝡ ᝫᝳᝣᝳ ᝦᝯ ᝰᝲᝨ᜶
sitelen Alapi Abjad Arabic ين لي پنا ه مكو توا سنا
sitelen nanpa Abjad Hex number writing system 1D030650B042089075
sitelen pakala jan pi poki pi telo seli kasi Alphabet, unsorted (WIP)
sitelen pakala jan Samsta36 Alphabet, unsorted (WIP)
sitelen palisa Heav Alphabet, unsorted (WIP)
sitelen palisa ilo Alphabet, unsorted (WIP)
sitelen pi ike mute jan pi sona lili Alphabet, unsorted (WIP) ͯͣ͆ ͬͥ ͩͣ͆ͣ ͤ ͫͦͨͧ ͭͣͪͣ ͮͥ͆ͣ
sitelen pi ike mute pipi Motan Alphabet, unsorted (WIP) ýchė[ ėkėSUPA eauble i ė企ė[ ý⁷ ėg[
sitelen pi linja lili Alphabet, unsorted (WIP)
sitelen pi linja mute ala Alphabet, unsorted (WIP)
sitelen pi linja wan Alphabet, unsorted (WIP)
sitelen Setasan Alphabet, unsorted (WIP)
sitelen Sewakana Alphabet, unsorted (WIP)
sitelen soweli Alphabet, unsorted (WIP)
sitelen toki pi linja wan Alphabet, unsorted (WIP)
sitelen Anku Alphasyllabary Hangul 얀 리 파나 에 모구 타와 시나
sitelen Asi jan Juli Alphasyllabary Writing wu, wo, ji, ti automagically results in u, o, i, si.
sitelen kasi linja Nathan McCoy Alphasyllabary Includes a blocky style called sitelen kasi leko
sitelen leko soweli Apen Alphasyllabary


sitelen linja jan Tiko Alphasyllabary
sitelen Nowa jan Nowa Alphasyllabary Glyph design inspired by Arabic script, but combined similar to Hangul script
sitelen Musisan Alphasyllabary
sitelen pi jan Nuwoma jan Nuwoma Alphasyllabary
sitelen pi nasin sijelo monsuta Alphasyllabary
sitelen poka Alphasyllabary
sitelen pona jan Mimoku Alphasyllabary
sitelen sike akesi kon Nalasuni Alphasyllabary
sitelen sinpin jan Jese Alphasyllabary To be carved on rocks and wood like Elder Futhark
sitelen sinpin jan soweli Apen Alphasyllabary
sitelen sinpin lili jan soweli Apen Alphasyllabary Condensed form of sitelen sinpin—each face can fit a whole word.
sitelen suwi ko akesi kon Nalasuni Alphasyllabary For writing in sand
sitelen uta Alphasyllabary
sitelen esun jan Emelilijan Alphabet Interlace orthography inspired by Kēlen. Consonants in sitelen esun are combinations of loops and vowels are combinations of crossovers.
sitelen kalama nanpa san jan Sewaka (JupiterBoy100) Alphabet
sitelen linja leko Alphabet
sitelen Elina Alphabet Greek γιαν λι πάνα ε μόκου τάγουα σίνα
sitelen Kililisa Alphabet йан ли пана е моку тава сина
sitelen Pusake Alphabet ᛃᚨᚾ ᛚᛁ ᛈᚨᚾᚨ ᛖ ᛗᛟᚲᚢ᛫
sitelen sike jan omch Alphabet
sitelen musi Alphabet, compressed
linja pi kute mute Alphabet, compressed
linja pi kama wan Alphabet, compressed
sitelen aeiou Alphabet, compressed iae ui aaea e ioou oaaa eiea.
Shorthand with only 6 strokes Alphabet, compressed


  1. The characters and have equal votes for the word pana in the first round, and are equally valid. One should be used instead of both.

See also