
From sona pona, the Toki Pona wiki
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This is a list of merchandise about or in Toki Pona. A few official[clarification needed] designs exist, however, most of the merchandise is community-made.

TeeSpring[edit | edit source]

The following is all merch curated by Sonja Lang on the toki pona TeeSpring.[1]

Name Author Description Location
Toki Pona arcade carpet kulupu Eki Neon tiling reminiscent of carpets found in 1990's arcades TeeSpring
Toki Pona logo (original) jan Sonja The hand drawn toki pona logo, drawn by Sonja Lang TeeSpring
Toki Pona logo (linja suwi) jan Ana The sitelen pona glyph for toki pona, written in the font linja suwi TeeSpring
Toki Pona logo (linja pi pu lukin) jan Sa The sitelen pona glyph for toki pona, written in the font linja pi pu lukin TeeSpring
Toki Pona logo (linja sike) lipamanka The sitelen pona glyph for toki pona, written in the font linja sike TeeSpring
tomo awen pi wile unpa lipamanka and waso Lojeki A shirt with two kijetesantakalu and the sitelen pona for "o tawa tomo awen pi wile unpa!" TeeSpring
kijetesantakalu (Walo) lipamanka The sitelen pona glyph for kijetesantakalu, written in white TeeSpring
kijetesantakalu (Pimeja) lipamanka The sitelen pona glyph for kijetesantakalu, written in black TeeSpring
mi ken ala toki pona e ijo la mi sona ala e ijo heresdevking "If I can't express a thing in Toki Pona, I don't understand the thing." written in sitelen pona TeeSpring
Pingo Vacon Sartirani art of a card with the licence plate P1NGØ, drawn by Vacon Sartirani. TeeSpring
ma pona pi toki pona jan Melon The icon for the ma pona pi toki pona discord community TeeSpring
mi olin e meli mi soweli nata The text "mi olin e ni: meli mi li ken e alasa kala mi.", with the unbolded letters smaller than the others, to convey both "I love my wife" and "I love that my wife allows my fishing" TeeSpring
soweli kijetesantakalu jan Pensa the sitelen pona glyph for kijetesantakalu drawn standing on top of the sitelen pona glyph for soweli TeeSpring
lipu tenpo jan Sali The logo of the lipu tenpo zine TeeSpring
mu Anonymous The sitelen sitelen for "mu" written three times circularly, colored yellow, red, and blue TeeSpring
a a a! Anonymous The word "a" written three times in sitelen sitelen, which is the onomatope for laughter. TeeSpring
sitelen pona pi nimi ku suli jan Pipini A poster of all toki pona words, written in sitelen pona and sitelen Lasina, with english translations. Uses the linja sike font. TeeSpring
kijetesantakalu Santa jan Jota (blobular_cattos) The text "kijetesantakalu", with the word santa highlighted in green. Below is the the linja sike glyph for kijetesantakalu on a sleigh being pulled by the sitelen pona glyph for soweli drawn as Rudolph. TeeSpring
kijetesantakalu tonsi li lon soko Vale Zalecki An anthropomorphic raccoon reading a pink book titled "TOKI PONA" under a large mushroom. A scarf with the non-binary flag is worn on the raccoon's neck TeeSpring

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Toki Pona. TeeSpring. Retrieved 2 November 2023.