
From sona pona, the Toki Pona wiki
waso in sitelen pona
waso in sitelen sitelen
Pronunciation /ˈwa.so/
Usage 2023: Core (99% → )2022: Core (99%)
Book and era nimi pu
Part of speech Content word
Codepoint 󱥴 U+F1974

waso is a core content word relating to birds and flying animals.

Etymology[edit | edit source]

The word waso is derived from Acadian French oiseau ("bird"),[1] pronounced /wɔzo/ in jan Sonja's idiolect.[2]

Semantic space[edit | edit source]

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The semantic space of waso includes flying and winged animals, including but not limited to birds. It includes other animals, such as bats and pterodactyls.[3][4]

waso mama li pali e tomo kasi li awen e waso lili

waso mama li pali e tomo kasi li awen e waso lili.

Mother birds build nests and protect smaller birds.

There are many edges cases to this definition. Flightless birds are one such case. Ostriches and emus have adapted to living on the ground and moving around very fast. Hence, some speakers describe them as soweli rather than waso. As marine birds, penguins may also be described as kala.

Gliding animals such as the flying squirrel are another edge case. It is not clear whether gliding qualifies something as waso, or it must be powered flight specifically.

Some speakers extend waso to refer to anything that is in the air at a given moment. For example, a ball thrown into the air might be described as waso. This style is often humorous, but is also used seriously for objects and vehicles designed to fly, rather than being in midair for other reasons. By extension, waso is used as a verb, "to fly". The word kala has a similar use relating to anything in water.

tomo tawa waso

tomo tawa waso

airplane (lit. 'flying moving-room')

pu[edit | edit source]

In the "Official Toki Pona Dictionary" section, the book Toki Pona: The Language of Good defines waso as:

NOUN  bird, flying creature, winged animal

ku[edit | edit source]

For Toki Pona Dictionary, respondents in ma pona pi toki pona translated these English words as waso:[5]

bird5, chicken3, duck2, turkey2, eagle2, bat2

sitelen pona[edit | edit source]

The sitelen pona glyph for waso (󱥴) represents the beaked face of a bird.

sitelen sitelen[edit | edit source]

The sitelen sitelen glyph for waso (waso) depicts the beak of a bird, or an entire bird facing left with two marks on it's wing.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. "Word Origins". tokipona.org. Archived from the original on 8 August 2002.
  2. jan Sonja [@sonjalang]. (5 August 2024). Message in #toki. sona.pona.la. Discord. Retrieved 5 August 2024. "acadian french is not standardized, but in my own transcription of my own idiolect:".
  3. jan Ono [@onmonopia]. (2 July 2022). Informal poll in #sona-kulupu. ma pona pi toki pona. Discord.
    Are the following options considered under the semantic space of waso in your opinion?
    Option Votes
    (n = 105)
    Flying birds 105
    Flightless birds 94
    Bats 94
    Flying dragons 74
    Flying squirrels in flight 39
    Flying fish in flight 28
    Cow being launched in the air 15
    Flying vehicles 69
    Butterfly 73
    Person hand gliding 29
  4. jan Ono [@onmonopia]. (2 July 2022). Informal poll in #sona-kulupu. ma pona pi toki pona. Discord.
    Are the following options considered under the semantic space of waso in your opinion?
    Option Votes
    (n = 89)
    Bird fossil 83
    The Moon 1
    The Sun 2
    Flying ghost 26
    Hoverboard (which actually hovers) 10
    Cloud 3
    Objects launched in the air 6
    Golden snitch (magical object from Harry Potter) 72
    Helicopter 56
    Drone 57
    Rain droplets 2
  5. Lang, Sonja. (18 July 2021). Toki Pona Dictionary. Illustrated by Vacon Sartirani. Tawhid. ISBN 978-0978292362. p. 385.

Further reading[edit | edit source]