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There are several cognates, true and false, between English and Toki Pona words.

nimi pu[edit | edit source]

nimi pu and English cognates
toki pona English Notes
a ah Onomatopoeic
ale / ali all Through Dutch alle
en and In standard use, en only joins multiple subjects. Other uses of "and" are achieved by repeating the respective particle, such as li or e.
insa inside
jaki yucky
jelo yellow
kama come (up) Possibly through Tok Pisin kamap
ken can Possibly through Tok Pisin ken
ko goo Actually from Cantonese gou1
kule colo(u)r Through Acadian French couleur
kulupu group Through Tongan kulupu
lili little Actually from Tok Pisin liklik
linja line, linear Through Finnish linja
lipu library, leaf Actually from Finnish lippu
lon along, on Through Tok Pisin long
lukin look(ing) Through Tok Pisin lukim
lupa loop[a] Through Lojban clupa
  1. There is a hole in the middle of a loop.
mama mama Actually from Georgian მამა mama
mani money Possibly through Tok Pisin mani
meli Mary Through Tok Pisin meri
mi me Also through Esperanto mi
moli mort Through Acadian French mourir
mu mew, moo Onomatopoeic
mute much, multi(ple) Through Esperanto multe
nanpa number Through Tok Pisin namba
nimi name From Finnish nimi, which may be related
o O[a] Also from Georgian -ო -o
  1. Archaic vocative particle, as in "O Canada"
open open Possibly also through Dutch open
pakala bugger up Through Tok Pisin bagarap
pan panini, pantry[a][b] Through Romance words inherited from Latin pānis
  1. Where bread is stored
  2. Companion also etymologically means a messmate, a person with whom one would share bread.
pi belong Through Tok Pisin bilong. Misleading, as pi does not mark possession.
pilin feel(ing) Through Tok Pisin pilim
pini finish Through Acadian French fini
poki box Through Tok Pisin bokis
pona boon, bonus Through Esperanto bona
pu book
sama same Through Esperanto and Finnish sama
selo shell Through Esperanto ŝelo
sike circle
suno sun Through Esperanto suno
suwi sweet Through Tok Pisin swit
taso that's all Through Tok Pisin tasol
tawa towards
tenpo tempo(ral), tense Through Esperanto tempo
toki talk Through Tok Pisin tok
tomo dom(icil)e, dorm(itory) Through Esperanto domo
tu duo, two Possibly also through Esperanto du
wan one
wile will[a] Through Dutch willen
  1. "to wish, to desire, to long", as in at will, do what you will, where there's a will there's a way, willful, and willpower, not the future tense

nimi ku suli[edit | edit source]

nimi ku suli and English cognates
toki pona English Notes
epiku epic Through French épique
kin (a)kin From Finnish -kin
kokosila crocodile Through Esperanto krokodili. Possibly misleading, as krokodili means "to speak a language besides Esperanto among Esperantists", which kokosila transplants onto Toki Pona.
leko Lego Possibly from Finnish lohko
meso meso- Through Greek μέσος mésos
monsuta monster Through Japanese モンスター monsutā
n hmm, um Onomatopoeic
oko ocular Through Serbo-Croatian ȍko

Phrases[edit | edit source]

pan ko is at least half-cognate with English "panko", breadcrumbs, from Japanese パン() panko.