Caution: The subject of this article is just for fun. It might not be meant or appropriate for serious use.

poki tona is a spoonerism of toki pona, with poki meaning "container" and tona being a marginal joke word supposedly referring to toners.

Toner cartridge
Toner cartridge
Pronunciation /ˈ
Usage 2023: Not notable (1%)Caution: Most speakers don't understand this word.
Book and era No book
Part of speech Content word

Etymology Edit

The word tona is derived from English toner to complete the spoonerism of toki pona (poki tona), with poki being a preexisting word.[1]

sitelen pona Edit

The sitelen pona glyph for tona (tona) is derived from the glyph for kule (kule), representing pigment, with emitters added, perhaps specifically to evoke the glyph for toki (toki).

References Edit

  1. akesi kon Nalasuni [@nalathnidragon]. (3 June 2020). [Message posted in the #toki-pona channel in the ma pona pi toki pona Discord server]. Discord. Retrieved 17 January 2024.
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