
From sona pona, the Toki Pona wiki
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a in sitelen pona
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Pronunciation /a/
Usage 2023: Core (99% → )2022: Core (99%)
Book and era nimi pu ("synonym" in pu)
Part of speech Particle
Codepoint 󱤀 U+F1900

a is a particle used to indicate emphasis and emotion.


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"a" is a very versatile word. It can be used by itself, after a word, or at the beginning or end of a sentence.

"a" at the beginning of the sentence can mean "ah" or "oh":

a ni li pona tawa mi
oh, this is good for me.

"a" at the end can emphasize the whole sentence, like adding a exclaimation mark.

ni li pona tawa mi a
this is truly excellect for me.

"a" directly after a word can emphasize that word.

ni li pona a tawa mi
this is great for me

It typically applies to the word immediately before it:

ona a li pali e tomo
She builds a house
ona li pali a e tomo
He builds a house
ona li pali e tomo a
They build a house

"a" can also be used on its own:

a, mi sona
Oh, ok, I understand
a pakala
Aw crap
a a a
Laughter — "hahaha"


In pu, this word is a synonym of the word kin, also used by some for emphasis.

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